Yoyo CAD & Prototyping Adventures

ah that makes sense, my only comparison point is the YYF sky dancer. this also means i can use the same template right?

This one looks nice, though at this point I wonder if doing press fit rims from the outside (with an overhang) would make more sense design-wise. I think they end up being easier to assemble, and no less durable.

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Like this?

Decided to experiment with a design that isn’t round.

Width: 48mm
Height(Side to Side): 51mm
Height(Corner to Corner): 63.84mm
Half Weight: 31.09gms
Assembled Weight: 65.08gms
MMOI: 16471
Body Material: 7075 Aluminum
Bearing: Size C
Axle: M4 x 8mm x 0.7mm

Thoughts anyone?

Sidenote: Please ignore the 4 black dots at the bottom of the cross sectional view. There aren’t any holes in the yoyo.


this is probably one of your “bist” designs

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What do you mean by saying “Bist”?

theres a yoyo manufacturer named bist who has some pretty wild designs with lots of cutouts and strange geometry. one of his more down to earth designs is the tondo


Similar but still pretty different

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ur right. maybe the hattori boost is a better comparison

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Anyone have a gut measurement cheat sheet for size C and D bearing?

What do you mean by cheat sheet? A list of all the proper dimensions?

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It would be helpful. I’m day one in CAD

I can screen shot the dimensions of a yoyo and you can use them, however it would be more beneficial if you learned why the dimensions are the way they are so, in the future if you want to design for something different you know what you need to do to get the correct dimensions.

This video covers that great:

If you still want a screen shot however, just PM me like you did before.


Width: 48mm
Height(Side to Side): 51mm
Height(Corner to Corner): 63.841mm
Half Weight: 31.12 gms
Assembled Weight: 65.178gms
MMOI: 18194
Body Material: 7075 Aluminum
Rim Material: 303 Stainless Steel
Axle: M4 x 8mm x 0.7mm
Bearing: Size C
Response: “Standard” 19mm

Thoughts anybody?


It looks like a yo-yo I’d like to watch other people play.


What does that mean?

It means I don’t think it would be fun to throw (or catch) so I definitely wouldn’t buy one.

It would be fun watching others play with an awkward throw, however.

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Quality caliper suggestions for measuring yo-yos?

Mitutoyo makes high end ones.


Something I noticed: it seems certain parts of the yoyo can be made way thinner than the typically recommended minimum thickness.

Below you can see a cut in half view of the yoyofactory bind, as well as the cad print out of the yoyofriends vulture (see the part I circled in red). In both cases, there is a small section of the wall that’s a lot thinner than the rest of the body. Both happen to be parts that contact the inner steel/brass ring, although I’m not sure if that has anything to do with why the aluminum can be made so thin.


An experienced machinist probably knows exactly how far you can push a design while avoiding material failure, so I don’t think I’ll be trying to copy this. Just an interesting observation I guess.