Yoyo CAD & Prototyping Adventures

The profile is not too far off of the C3 Scintillator. I have one and while it is possible to land on the wall and feel the string drop down onto the bearing, I have to really try to notice.

To get the string to actually hang there requires so much tilt that it would be the least of the things going wrong.

I think that as long as the yo-yo is resistant enough to tilting due to an off center landing, these types of designs work okay.

Of course, it could be that C3 pushed the envelope as far as they could, and any flatter an angle would be an issue. Seems like a good candidate for a 3d printed prototype.


@AtomicChessGuy have you seen these “Let’s cut a yo-yo” videos?


Cool! Though the sawing of the yo-yo in half brought me a little bit of inner pain. :rofl:

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Width: 49mm
Diameter: 58mm
Half Weight: 30.56gms
MMOI: 15255

Thoughts anyone?


You post so many yoyo designs ts hard to give in depth thoughts on any of them.

My thoughts are that some are too flat in the area next to the guts and the trimetal one is underpowered for a yoyo using three different metals. The massive wide organic one has walls that are very thin and a hub with more AL than I’d like there.

My overall though is that they are all yoyos that will spin and do tricks.

Should I post less?

Width: 49mm
Diameter: 58mm
Half Weight: 31gms
MMOI: 17192


As a software engineer I can tell you there’s nothing like running code. You can get 10 reviews and it makes little difference when the code hits prod…

Edit: to answer your question directly, no, don’t post less, it’s an Internet forum and thrives on user content. I’m just not sure how much useful feedback you’ll get here. Probably some.

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Diameter: 57mm
Width: 48mm
Half Weight: 31.4gms
MMOI: 17342
Body: 6061 Aluminum
Rims: 303 Stainless Steel

This shape reminds me of a Draupnir but a little rounder.


beauty render. how can you change the environment and still have the white base?

waiting my first design prototype to be made feels like forever.

so i made an undersized version of monophobia
it’s a kind of pun but i call it “miniphobia”

inspired by yoyorecreation E=mc2 , i made it 3mm wider with a change from W to H profile. and the weight is same as the “normal” version of Monophobia.

Phobia - Miniphobia
Width: 45mm
Diameter: 52mm
Weight: around 64-66g
Body: 7075 Aluminum

what do you think?


looks like a good yoyo, tad bit big for my tastes and I think i’ve always been a fan of more rounded profiles rather than the inverted one you have

have you started messing with like artistic polish things (e.g. adding cuts and minor details that don’t really change the performance but make the yoyo more visually interesting)? curious to see how it progresses

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I think it looks amazing. Out of all the designs you’ve shown here, this one is my favorite.

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If you are using Fusion 360 to render then you can go to the top and click environment then drag and drop a different environment:


Like this?

Diameter: 40mm
Width: 35mm
Half Weight: 31.5gms
MMOI: 8439
Body: 7068 Aluminum
Rings: 303 Stainless Steel


that is terrifying. i love it


Why is it terrifying?

This one looks nice. Very polished design.

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Width: 44mm
Diameter: 54mm
Half Weight: 30.1gms
MMOI: 16480
Body: 7075 Aluminum
Rings: 303 Stainless Steel

1500th post!