Yoyo CAD & Prototyping Adventures

I want one of those plastics. Looks smooth to touch.


It is, machine plastic is very smooth


What is that plastic one?

Edit ahh sorry proto cool looks really nice

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love the look of the metal one

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So my Tofus are officaly here , and this my first mass run and i must say Im very satisfied with it!

I still have more to do, a little peak for my next design render later on


I have spent the last couple days learning freecad from mk1 yoyos videos have have designed a few different versions of my ''dream yoyo".
they are all 40mm wide, 55mm in diameter and around 61 grams w bearing n stuff w 6061.
I have made an even, slight rim and more rim weighted versions and not sure witch one i like the most haha.
yoyo 3 mil rim bowl w step
yoyo 3 mil rim bowl
yoyo w mil w step
the nipple is my fav part and is made to accommodate a 12 mil axle
have not put the smoov groove on one yet but am curious if it is too deep? it still has 1.5mm of material on other side but looks like it could be a weak point.
any ideas or feedback is much appreciated.
Also i live in New Zealand so what is the chance of a local shop being able to do this? what do i look for?
If i cant find any what are the prices like for small runs from a shop in china?
Thanks :blush:


can we see a non moving shot?

from what angle :rofl:

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First glance it reminds me of 000.

And you can ask FPM from China, they help manufacture protos

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its more inpired by a-rt yoyos and clyw for the nipple but wanted quite a bit skinnier and lightweight.
Thx for reccomendation will check them out :slight_smile:

Been doing more Bi Metal Designs


I started designing weird MR85 bearing (4mm wide variant) unresponsive today.


what software do you use

FreeCad, my good man.


I’m getting “recrev I” vibes

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Love the idea of a mr85 responsive. Looking forward to this one and whatever design you land on

Awesome! thank you

Have you tried the wide MR85 in any yoyo yet? Curious how it feels unresponsive.


Drawing up the CADs for some of my fixed axle models. I should have the specs on file, rather than just in my head.


The Button also.