COBRA is perfect. I would participate in that committee.
I would too, just so I can be in COBRA.
If the naming committee is COBRA, is the committee trying to make the ideas come to life something like… Great Ideas, Just Optimizing Execution? Or GIJOE for short?
can i join, please
i like dial up internet, limewire, nokia 3310s and sunny d orange juice
You’re obviously too young…
what i meant was I like elvis presley, the england 1966 world cup squad and one day man landing on the moon…
Ask, and ye shall receive…
You were so close to being accepted. Had you said “Tang” it would have been a sure thing.
Just kidding. Welcome.
I love these.
May have to add another “Y” when the Cobra Committee comes to a concensus.
By a unanimous decision of COBRA by a meeting that totally actually happened and I didn’t just make up the official abbreviation is definitely YYBC. Just don’t ask me for roll call; I don’t take attendance.
You guys definitely need a logo more dignifying than an old tortoise or a ninja turtle doing tricks. It’s not really the yoyo boomer concept that I find distasteful, but these kind of of logos making it seem like you guys have a poor self-concept, looking down on or making fun of yourselves.
If you could make a sharp looking and dignifying logo for the club, I’d advocate for it on the metal Harbinger run that is already in line for production.
Being a yoyo boomer is no means a bad or lesser thing. Make a really sharp, modern logo.
To me a yoyo boomer is someone who appreciates yoyo sincerely and nostalgically, from their past, and what it has become today.
They find how a yoyo feels in the hand, the feel of a sleeper, forward pass, or shoot the moon. They find these experiences very satisfying, meditative and medicinal. In other the words, they have an ability to genuinely cash in on the tactile experience of yoyo, which is the highest form of yoyo appreciation.
They very greatly appreciate hand crafted yoyos and any other yoyo that is well designed and atteactive. They will often buy these kinds of yoyos. They consider them a work of art and enjoy them whether used, or sitting in their collection.
They see yoyo for what it really is; the enjoyment of the simplicity of yoyo, and the complex creative expression that can come out of it.
@Glenacius_K ninja turtle right here
The turtle is more of a mascot. I’m not positive but I think for a yo-yo insignia there’s more of a lean toward something like the Bomb a few comments back.
Well said. Sounds like you’re starting to get it. And I kind of agree about the logo. The old tortoise and the bomb were my very first ideas, and by no means were they supposed to be THE idea. I kinda hoped more people would pitch in ideas and we would land on the perfect one. I kind of like the idea of a turtle as the mascot.
Do you have any ideas for a logo Mr. Glen?
I too have been waiting for additional recommendations from the club.
Just wanted to throw it out there that we have preliminary sketches on both the responsive and unresponsive designs thanks to @G2_Jake. All I can say is, these are going to be amazing when all is said and done.
That being said, if anyone has any ideas that they would like to see on either version, please speak up. Now is the time!
This one in particular I’m fond of for the yo-yo logo. Either way, the logo will need to be digitized, I imagine, in order to be applied to a yo-yo. However, Mr Seth stated: now is the time for ideas. If anyone has an idea for a round logo please submit it here. I have this and could do a better job of it, but I have no idea how to digitize the image.