"Yoyo Boomer"

The Definition of a “Yoyo Boomer” is what you set for yourself.

Underlying; Positive and Fun. Not “So” Serious.

For some, they played during a Boom,

Others, Played on and Off throughout their life,

Some just like 0A and Modern Responsives,

Play yoyo for the enjoyment.

Pillars of this community.

My Definition is someone who enjoys yoyo for simplicity and personal growth. Being positive in the community. Not being pigeon holed by labels. Supporting others. I am OK with not being able to do the Extensive 1A tricks (Though continuously working toward them).

I, like others, do not feel we need a Mold to fit everyone in. We have an Idealism that many can emulate to their personal level.

I think that is the Beauty of the opening line. “We will set the definition (For ourselves).”

I feel this gives each member a personal sense of “Ownership”. One that we each hold ourselves to a justifiable standard that we establish for ourselves.

Read the first post in this thread.