I have the duncan trick book and the yonomicon. I cant seem to find any mention of other yoyo books in the forums. Any other bookw similar to these or just good yoyo books i should have?
I had just taken a picture of this earlier today so I might as well recycle it. A fun reference book. 20+ years old so no new stuff.
Thank you. I’ll check it out.
just dont buy this novel like the doctor did

he did some review of books you could look at them
There was supposed to be a revised version of the Yonomicon several years ago. It was available for pre order on the rainforest store so I pre ordered it but after 2 years I cancelled. I got A LOT out of the Yonomicon.
The book at the bottom is 95% worthless. Worthless trick instructions that are unhelpful to anyone. The Yonomicon, though almost 25 years old is more scientific with the diagrams. It’s like yoyo science textbook.
Yeah the yonomicon is hilarious. How it compares everthing to quantum theory. Love how its written. It’s way above where i’m at currently but will be fun to read along side watching trick videos.
Okay this is silly but as my library program spins up I’m requesting YoYo specific books to be added to the collection. As I go through the rules it might be easier to request then donate said book myself but either way I want some YoYo literature available for checkout along side the program
So what are some solid books I should be looking at getting added either through my own means or through proper channels.
Worse case I’ll just have a YoYo book library at club meet ups for folks to check out and bring back next meet. Why not add to the junk I drag to club monthly.
For reference I requested a few books already and honestly the only one I’m confident in getting approved properly is the book from @MrYoyoThrower who is like properly setup with a publisher and the library can go through already registered distributors… the rest… well… we will see.
Regardless I’m gonna at some point buy a bunch of YoYo books anyway cause I have never been much of a book person but I know some people that’s helpful.
It would actually be kind of cool if others requested YoYo books at their local library’s it would add something to rotation that’s not really there probably and get even more touch points out there for folks to find. Usually if you have a library card it’s as simple as submitting an online form
This is cool, thank you!
Requesting from the library costs you nothing, and helps authors get out there! Your can also request ebooks at a lot of libraries.
I’m actually entirely self published, but I use a service that gets my books onto lists libraries and such can order from.
I have this one as well if you are curious about the business!
I’m a writer with a few books under my belt, mostly through small presses, and I’ve considered writing a yoyo book of some sort but I’ve struggled to figure out just what type of yoyo book I want to write.
I’ll save you some time. If you are doing it as a passion project, fantastic. But if you’re doing it to make money, lol, there ain’t any
Joking aside, I never got around to book 3 of my trilogy (The business, the people, the competition)
So a book about yoyo contests is still out there to be written.
There’s 10s of dollars in it lol
Don’t know if it’s a good book you should have, but it’s a fun look at old fixed axle play if you like that kind of stuff.
Oh, for sure! At least two or three 10s.
Out of all the books I’ve requested yours is the only one not declined by the library for one reason or another.
Looks like my club YoYo library might become a thing at this rate.
For libraries to order the book needs to be published through a big publishing house and in stock, or self published and distributed through IngramSpark or a similar service that distributes wide. A lot of self-published authors are exclusive through Amazon and don’t necessarily have it set to wide distribution. Or the books were one and done print runs that aren’t available for library distribution. I’m glad mine worked out!