Yoyo books

I have the duncan trick book and the yonomicon. I cant seem to find any mention of other yoyo books in the forums. Any other bookw similar to these or just good yoyo books i should have?


I had just taken a picture of this earlier today so I might as well recycle it. A fun reference book. 20+ years old so no new stuff.


Thank you. I’ll check it out.

just dont buy this novel like the doctor did :rofl:
he did some review of books you could look at them

There was supposed to be a revised version of the Yonomicon several years ago. It was available for pre order on the rainforest store so I pre ordered it but after 2 years I cancelled. I got A LOT out of the Yonomicon.

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The book at the bottom is 95% worthless. Worthless trick instructions that are unhelpful to anyone. The Yonomicon, though almost 25 years old is more scientific with the diagrams. It’s like yoyo science textbook.


Yeah the yonomicon is hilarious. How it compares everthing to quantum theory. Love how its written. It’s way above where i’m at currently but will be fun to read along side watching trick videos.

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