I’m going to be real here. I think that some people voted against yoyoandrew because of how cocky he’s been in the past. Honestly I think yoyoandrew won. I don’t see why some people vote for someone on how they feel instead of the actual yoyoing.
I have to vote for andrew yoyo. I think the tricks were similar diffulcalty but there was a few differances. The string visibility on yoyo andrews vid was very bad, and it wasn’t very smooth. I think (even if the tricks weren’t harder) andrew yoyo had a much better presantation.
i voted for andrew yoyo because he didnt repeat himself as much as far as the sytle of tricks and no his may not have been as complicated but his where harder to do, that slack whip in the beginning impressed me.
yoyoandrew, you’re being pretty cocky if you reply to every person who voted for andrewyoyo. I’m just not going to vete, seeing as this was from months ago.
You are being VERY cocky by consistently saying your tricks were better and smoother than Andrew yoyo. Andrew yoyo is the exact opposite of you, he’s being modest, not bragging about how he was better than you, and doesn’t get defensive from your direct insults to him. You werent smooth at all, your movements were very jerky and you missed the string multiple times. Stop acting like your running the place, which you clearly aren’t.
When did anyone mention anything about weight? This is about yoyoing, and you lost, fair and square. If you can’t accept that, you’re going to be very disappointed in life.
Oh, and as another quick point, you DID say your tricks were “better” and smoother" right here: