Yoyo Appraisal Thread II

Well I want it to play with it, so preferably the less collectible the better, it’s gonna be in pocket with keys and stuff.

One guy DID try to grab this off me for $400 after he saw I bought it from the original seller for $200, but I turned him down and haven’t seen one ever sell for more than like $250 anyways so it seemed really suspicious… But yeah…


It’s gorgeous :heart_eyes:
yeah, my dreadnaught needs a friend, I’ll start looking for one once I stop feeling guilty about my worlds haul.

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Yeah they’re nice :+1:


Be mindful that there are fakes out there, make sure you are dealing with a trustful collector/seller with providence.

Picture of Fakes



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Good point. The fake horses have very slightly different hooves.

Here’s a picture of fakes that have been made:

Notice how shiny they are…

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I’ve owned some and currently have one throwback yyr (Dreadnaught bought directly from yyr), so if the finish is off I should be able to easily spot it, I’m guessing. As for the hooves being slightly different, how so?

Edit: one issue I guess is that the redesigned ones seem to have a different finish than the originals, are those also faked?

For the newer modern one with the geometric horse head, legit ones will have these concentric machining lines in the catch zone. Also bearing seat post will not be anodized and the axle will only be 7mm.

All those criteria are VERY difficult to fake. As for the OG, the hooves engraving is just very slightly off. I don’t have a fake to do a side by side for you, so idk how to help there.


I’ve never seen a Sleipnir with a raw bearing seat. I had a gray from the same run and it had an anodized bearing seat. @Mediumwell

No clue. That’s what I heard from others over the years. I think there’s a lot of unknowns when it comes to YYR and their various runs…

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My Draupnir has a raw seat fwiw

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Me again. Worlds 2006 X-ConVict. Value?


Anyone know the value of a mint with box 7075 Deeper Depths Conspiracy?


Typically the pre-orders in 7075 go for $150-$175. Probably the lower end in my opinion.

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What do canvas go for in bulk smash/ Clareview station?

Also what are the more rare ones and how much are they selling for?

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Canvas has been on the up and up for a while, when people do let them go they are no less than $300, the more coveted colorways are getting way over $500 and up. LITA and Jensen Dink Faces could pull $$$$$. Everyone on the BST seems to be looking for Canvases, some pics form previous BST post and threads. Good luck on your search and be mindful of the fakes out there from Taobao.


Fake Colorways


It really depends on the condition. If it has cracks I would price it in the $30 range. If it doesn’t have cracks probably $60-70. I think people would be pretty weary of it if you didn’t check the nipple and bearing seat for cracks.

Hey all- I’m looking to sell most of my collection (it just sits on shelves) I tried my best to price it but i dont actually know what im doing and mostly just guessed. Any input is much appreciated!

There’s also a yoyo i cannot identify to save my life, i think it was from slusny shop in 2015?? I’ll post more pics of that one


Rows are top to bottom, left to right

Row 1: (this row only - im curious on pricing but not looking to sell at the moment)
-One Drop Gauntlet - $50
-CLYW AC1 [Vibe 8/10][powder coated] - No idea
-Jake Bullock Slam Dunk (green & blue) - $60
-SF Cadence -$45
-Singwon South Peak - $70
-Yoyofriends Koi - $40
-Werrd Minute [Vibe 8/10][ano looks bad] $30
-Duncan Butterfly AL (limited edition?) $40

Row 2:
-One Drop Sugar Glider - $50
-CLYW Compass [Beat but plays smooth] - $45
-Jake Bullock Slam Dunk (green & blue) -$60
-C3 Level 6 [Vibe 9/10] - $30
-Origami [BEAT] - $25
-Duncan Freehand [Vibe 7/10] - Free w/ something else, learn 5A
-Antidote (orange/blue halfswap) $15
-Shutter [BEAT][Vibe 8/10]- $25

Row 3:
-One Drop Deep State [small scuff, plays smooth] - $40
-CLYW Manatee (B Grade) - $25
-Jake Bullock Slim Dunk - $30
-Rhythm Rhapsody - $30
-Yoyo Tricks Canon (B grade) [slight Vibe 9/10] -$10
-Duncan Windrunner - $25
-YYF Arrow [Vibe 8/10] - $10
-Yomega Pro Speed (R) [agro vibe 5/10] - $10

Row 4:
-PDX Phidias [big scuff, but plays smooth] - $35
-Huatian Rotor [Small Scuffs] - $50
-Basecamp Sherpa (B Grade) [Slight vibe 9/10] $15
-YYF Dogma [Vibe 8/10] - $35
-YYF Flight [Small nick] - Free w/ something else, someone learn 4A
-(still flight)
-Offset Yoyo Variant [Vibe 7/10, can feel on string) - $10
-Skyline (Missing a hubstack?) $25

Row 5:
-Slusny bimetal- if you know what this is let me know lol [Vibe 8/10]
-G2 Elite [slight Vibe] [ano flaw] - $100?
-YYF Meerkat [Slight Vibe 9/10][small nick] - $60
-Sengoku Masamini [slight vibe 9/10][pin prick] - $100
-(still flight)
-(still flight)
-Magicyo Skyva (green & blue) [Vibe 6/10] - $10
-YYF DV888 [BEAT][Vibe 8/10] - $10

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Here’s the mystery yoyo (pt1)

mystery yoyo (pt2)