Yoyo Appraisal Thread II

Not sure how much they’re worth but I know @Tiffuhnie will be interested in the code 1 lol

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Ty for looking out!! :pray:t2: messaged you @Tempura

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Hey guys, just wondering what you guys think the value of a mint YYF team edition G.5 goes for nowadays?


I found this Tom Kuhn SB2 at my local comic/toy shop. They always have low-end plastics so i was very surprised to see this. This appears to be one of the original runs. Serial numbered and made in San Francisco. I paid $60 for this and a Smothers Brothers wood yoyo. Any idea how much this might be worth?


Damn that’s a beauty I imagine you got it for a steal


It’s got some rough spots, but it does look great. It’s probably the oldest metal in my collection now. I hope the price is right!


Not really an appraisal so much as it is a request to confirm the identity of my throw:

I recently shared a pair of Delrin 3yo3s in the mail thread, identifying one of them as a Volume and the other as a Capella.

I’ll need to unpack my scale and calipers to compare specs, but the Capella seems odd in a few ways.

Here are some old photographs of the Capella from Infinite Illusions/YoYoGuy.com:

yoyoguy Capella
yoyoguy capella halves

Here’s mine:

Even accounting for distortion from my iPhone, camera, a couple of things jump out:
The profile on mine doesn’t have a rounded “step” as it approaches the edge. The lines are more severe and I really want to say that the outer step is larger in proportion to the inner step.)

The response area is almost flush with the walls outside the undercut.

Now, Landon would customize bearing size and response type for customers, and the Capella on YoYoGuy is advertised with either a C bearing or an A bearing. Mine has a D bearing, so maybe the response area looks a little different because he had to adjust the profile one way or another.

So, is this a Capella with characteristics that can be attributed to customization and Landon’s hand-turning process? Is it a prototype?

Is it a model I’m not aware of? (The only similar shape I know about is the CMA, which is acrylic, kind of like how the Volume is a delrin Accent.)

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Any idea what a SalTi should sell for?


I would probably put a mint salti around $180. @YotoyImages

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The Tortoise SB-2 is a fairly common version of the SB-2 yo-yo. On eBay this would probably go for around $50-100. If you have all the original accessories and packaging you may be able to get a bit over $100 for it.

If the Smothers Brothers yo-yo is a No Jive model then it will probably sell for more than the SB-2.


Thanks for the reply! No accessories for the SB-2, unfortunately. The smothers Brothers is not a No-Jive version. I paid $60 for both, so I’m not upset about that.

I haven’t seen many of the Tortoise colorways pop up. I’m surprised to hear it’s common. Thanks again!


I would argue that the Tortoise SB-2 is the second most common version of the yo-yo after the polished aluminum version. The Tortoise model was produced regularly between 1990 and 1999. The anodized solid color models and anodized splash color ways all had fewer and smaller production runs.


What’s the going rate of Spyy Pisyolero, Punchline, Ronin, Addiction, etc


$90-$105, with maybe another $20 or so for the pisto, all assuming mint with box

Ronin $125+ mint
Punchline $100 mint
Addiction $100 mint
Pistolero v2 $125-150 mint
Pistolero v1 matte $250+ (i sold my mint black 1st run matte for 300 last summer. Seen the reds go for more)


Trying to put a value to this mint w/ box Spencer Berry “Walter.” Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


The last one I saw sell on the auction site was $250.


hey guys, just wondering what these are going for these days:

Different runs of Chiefs


I think chiefs are at a high at the $150+ category even with damage. I would think wm1 would be $200 ish, and a diptych would be around $200 as well. If this was a year ago I would price everything except the chiefs higher.