Your Next 3 Yoyos?

Just ordered a plastic Cheatcode so I can do DNA with low skills.

Looking at a Haymaker OG for my first bimetal in the coming weeks, when I am no longer bouncing my yoyo off the floor 25% of the time and cause I’m a Duncan guy from the olden days.

And will definitely be picking up an Outlier+ when YYE gets them in stock cause I really like Brandon Vu and someday maybe I’ll do a competition to justify paying over a hundred bucks for a yoyo.

What’s your next 3 planned purchases and why?


If i had money… the bi metal luftvuk 000 because :drooling_face:


I’m not sure but it will probably be something with a shape similar to the Kagerou and Klondike. That shape shreds.

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  1. YYFr Graviton: Y - I prefer monometals, and I’ve been looking for something wider to make getting knots out by hand easier
  2. YYFr Vulture - if I don’t like #1, I’ll try it for the same reason (I’ve liked the one inner-rim bimetal I’ve tried)
  3. Luftverk Hybrid Fulvia - want to try one from the new run since the old one performs so well. Just a tad fatiguing to play, so I’m curious if they fixed that

*If I do like #1, make #2 the Hybrid and #3 Good Life Breeze 2020 (SS rings pulled in a bit from the rim, looks semi-organic/comfortable, and Channo sure makes it look fast).

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clyw OTTER
yoshicuda x
G2 Grunt if i find one.


It depends on what i happen to find on the bst and mercari lol. I’ve been really into c3 stuff lately but I always like old japanese yoyos.

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You know what. Idk. For once. Cabal 2 of course. After that, I may hunt some G2’s. Banshee is one I do miss having. I need me some AL7 in my life.


For a while i considérés c3 ghost but I changed my mind.

Maybe yoyofriends nucleon, iceberg or another c3 that might catch my attention. (Possibly one of their next releases).

So I’m looking for different throws than I already have. Here’s my wishlist for my next 3:

Mod 44
Nine Dragons

Coming is a VERY close 4th is the Busker :wink:


All of those are solid fun yo-yos and I’m all about fun yo-yos.

I might be able to help you out on that mod44 if your not picky

I’m never picky!

I’m going to get another couple hades when the new colors come out bc I want another pair for 3a and I know there will be more colors coming out eventually. Theyre just my favorite yoyos and what I pick up the most. I want more.

  • motion Dynamic Proto V2
    It’s already paid for and should arrive either late this month or early the next.

  • Hopefully a proto from Lathedback Design
    Would like to represent the brand at World’s. But their current offerings won’t do me.

  • Dressel Bimetal Emotion…
    Heard rumours…Emotion is currently my favorite Monometal…this thing would KILL as a bimetal probably.

Just thought of another one…
Galaxy Dino…if someone buys my Hinemosu that’s one I’m buying.


Honestly I see this and I’m like bro that’s expensive then I look at the variety I buy in a year and it’s probably more in the end. At least you found a type and you know what you like.


Shutter elite
Probably going to get some more YYF A may zing yoyos

Bro found the save money cheatcode…now if only I could find my favorite…


The yo-yos I am getting next are the flying lemon proto, the operator proto and the workhorse proto and a jackal. So pretty YYBC and G2 centric there.

I do want a firecracker and a flat earth but those aren’t super hi on the list.

Black canons been on my list for a bit but so has a yofo. Gopa been on the list. Really just a bunch of slim lines and undersized yo-yos

Lots of fun stuff from FD I can’t wait to see launch

Wait nevermind my next YoYo purchase is a dozen first base for YoYo club next weekend. Forgot about that.


Yoshicuda if it’s cheap enough on National Yoyo Day or if I find the color I want on the BST

Ti FH if I happen across a good deal on the BST

Only other yoyo related transaction I wanna make is sell all the junk I’ve accumulated during A-May-Zing so far

Honestly pretty happy with what I have right now, but if I were to get more yoyos it would be more Japan Technology Ciels or JT x sOMETHiNG JetSets and a 1a yoyo from C3 because I somehow still have never owned a C3 after yoyoing for 15 years :sweat_smile: