Your favorite 5A players

5A May is coming. So let’s talk about who our favorite 5A players are. Could be competitive players, or casual players you like watching on Instagram or a legend who isn’t very active anymore. Doesn’t really matter let just talk about our idols and peers that do cool stuff!

Roman Suarez from team chunkeez (the whole team is straight :fire::fire: tbh)

Beverchakus has got that good good

mgdp300 (insta handle) has some crispy goodness

Lee Ji Hoo does absolutely wicked things with 5A

And of course a couple of the classics: Tyler Severance and Steve Brown are 2 of my favorite OG 5A players to watch

Also forgot to mention Shigehiro Yamada……absolute :exploding_head::exploding_head:

Yoshihiro Abe

Surprised Jake Elliot hasn’t been mentioned yet. Isaac Sams was one of the first I saw playing it, though he’s more 1A focused.

Also, maybe not a “5A player,” but I enjoy watching Dylan play it because he looks like he’s just having fun with it.

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Miguel Correa, Beverchakus, Josh Rodriguez cuz he plays with that insanely long string and Steve Brown cuz why would you ever tie a thing on the end of your yoyo string but this crazy guy did it and the yoyo world is a way better place for it.

Unresponsive play makes 5A just the most amazing spectacle to watch. Watching winning 1A routines in contests, I think I could slowly but surely learn the whole routine outside of horizontal play which I’m hopeless at. I could never do it even remotely as quickly or smoothly as the great players on stage, but I think I could piece it together. Watching 5A for me is like watching a magic show

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jon rob

Tyler severance