Young Entrepreneurs of YoyoExpert!

Yes, the size of the parts is the present issue, but we are going to find a fix. We should be back on track shortly. :slight_smile:

yay! When these at done I hope they look good.


Was it me who came up with the actual Lcapitol(lower x)TAcapitol?

I know you said LXTA but i did LxTA.

Whatever haha, its a cool name and its good…

Don’t know… I mean, I called it LxTA after we decided the name “Legyoyo x TotalArtist Edition Holster”

But idk, XD

you can figure that out once the holster is done

I’ve got another story for you to read. :smiley: I always have a story.

So, my friend texted to tell me that he just got out of a meeting at his job. He is a supervisor at his job. He said that in the meeting, he learned that they will be phasing out his position in February. He said that they told him that he has to “reapply” for his job, because there are 13 people and only 9 spots available. To make it even worse, only one of the positions would be a promotion, the rest would be a demotion. So, that does not look too good. On the positive side of things, he looked around the room, and he has more experience and education than anyone else there (besides his boss). He stated that the trouble is, he is almost done pursuing his degree next Summer, but the degree is not in an area related to his job. His job is related to “business” and he is pursuing a degree in “education.” He said that he will know next month what his fate is. He said that if he does not get the promotion, there is no way he will accept a lower position. He would accept a severance package, unemployment or whatever until he finds another job. That is worse case scenario though. Maybe I can give his job some credit for giving everyone a heads up to start looking elsewhere. If some people get nervous early and find another job, it’s less work for them to have to choose who will go and who will stay. Also, if everyone stays, they can say they gave them notice of what might happen. Pretty messed up going in to the holidays though. :-\ Real life and the workplace. ::slight_smile: Stay tuned… :-\

the ending sounds like a tv show!

Yeah, I did that on purpose, because after all…there will be a happy ending, or a sad ending. :-\ I guess we’ll know for sure in a month.

If they only offered you the lower position, would you take it until you finish school in the Summer, or leave and find another job?

I told him that I’d leave too. I have never been laid off, but I have had jobs that ended (Summer job for example). I have found in the past that if a job sold me short on pay or anything like that, it was a sign that it is time to go and there is something better out there for me. It has always held true for me. I’ve had employers try to throw me more money when I had one foot out the door, but it’s already too late by that time. I learned to never burn a bridge, but know when it’s time to move on. I told him that if they gave him a lower position, it would be one of those signs. Time to go! :stuck_out_tongue:

Not unless its okay with you TA, but i think its about time we know your "real’ job HAHA!.

I have never been laid off or fired. I also work at a job where I am sold short on pay, and there have been many offers for more money over the years. Sometimes pay is not the determining factor. It is not for me. I have fought for pay increases (forced them into giving me 17% at my first promotion instead of the 10% they wanted to give me).

The job offers me things that I want. I am a proven commodity to them, and I get away with a lifestyle that I probably would have to take a year or 2 to cultivate in a new job if it were possible. I get much more flexibility with my time and attendance than I could ever imagine getting elsewhere. I also have been able to get the exact work assignments to suit my skills and interests, and am in a small way, resented by my some of colleagues about my preferential treatment. It is the preferential treatment that I value.

That said, it is time to start fighting for a new promotion in the next 2-3 months. Time for more money, and a better title to go with my increased responsibilities and value. We’ll see how that goes.

Yeah, I have to say that I come from a place where I have not experienced a lay off or having been fired. I have been lucky in that regard. I once gave notice before I should have. I was ticked off about some work circumstances and gave them 30 days notice, without having another job lined up. I was scrambling, cause I had bills to pay. :smiley: I had to find another job quick, and ended up with two jobs to choose from.

One of them paid $3,000 a year more than the one I quit, but I would have been doing the exact same thing. The other job was totally different and almost unrelated, it would double my income, but involved rolling the dice to get through a rigorous process to ultimately get the job. The second option came with job security, double the pay, but it involved risk of not making it through and ending up with nothing…in addition to potentially having forfeited the job that paid $3,000 more.

I decided to roll the dice, chose the second one, made it through, and it was worth it. I almost never roll the dice on my comfort zone. I think that frustration caused me to do it back then. That was over ten years ago. I would never recommend that someone do what I did and give notice without having something else lined up. I’m glad it worked out. :wink:

I agree with what Rob said. The older I get, money means less, and flexibility means more. I call it “quality of life” on the job. It is more important that I have a good commute to work, work with and for good people, and work the hours I want, rather than have someone pay me a ton of money. A balance is good of course. When I was younger, it was all about the money. When you are younger, you want money because you never had any. You had your parents’ money or part time job money…but never any real money. So, when you finish school you want to make money. Then, you get older and it’s not about the money as much as being comfortable and happy where you are. A balance is great.

Yup, I call it “favorable work/life balance.” I have a 2.4 mile commute on a rural new hampshire road, and am only accountalbe for my time between 10 and 3. And I have flexibility even then. For example, I had my annual physical at 2pm today, and an appointment at 1 on monday. Didn’t have to use any paid time off out of my 26 day allowance to do it. They don’t care, as long as I get my work done.

Now, to be fair, when I say money isn’t that important, I must admit I make a lot of money by most standards. Not as much as I could though. It is easier to turn down an extra 25%-30% when that money is not needed for food or rent or even a large yoyo collection. If I had the extra income, there are about 30 more yoyos I’d buy immediately though. As it is, I have to consider trading for some as I am starting to understand my preferences.

Also, it seems there are times in life when it is safe to gamble and times when it isn’t. The safe path isn’t always the right path, but reckless chance taking is not that great either. Mad props for taking the shot and believing in yourself though!

Yeah, especially for families and those with kids, flexibility is key. But, we all have things to get done and some of it has to get done during business hours, so a job that allows you to do that is very valuable. That gamble was really out of character for me, so it really showed I was at my wit’s end. One of those mistakes that worked out great in the end. I don’t think I’ll get many of those in life though. :slight_smile:

I looked at my yo-yo spending for the year, and I’m on track to spend less than last year. That was the goal, but it is also something that just makes sense. When yo-yo was new, I was buying beginner yo-yos, and yo-yos I missed before I was in the game. Now that I am “caught up,” so to speak, I filtered out a lot of the beginner yo-yos, and buy fewer but more expensive throws. I’m fine with that, because I will accumulate less of them. I’m at a stage where I am very content with what I have to throw. I am still collecting though, which will never end. But, even that will slow down.

They say the first year collecting anything is the most expensive. This is mostly true for me, except pinball machines, year 2 was my biggie. I am trying not to look at my records closely wnough to know exactly what I spent this year.

Really RobK?

The most i have spent on ONE yoyo is … Hmm… If i can remeber i think maybe 32??

Also, the most i have spent on a yoyo order is $55

About to bust $47

Rare Hitman
Signed whip

I do spending wisely XD

Ah, I see you found logi’s bst. Unfortunately I didn’t have the means to acquire the funds, Im spending the rest of my money on restock. Gotta get those orders fulfilled XD but indeed you did find a good deal :smiley:

You are getting a Hitman, Metropolis, Dibase and Whip for $47? If they are in good shape, that is a great deal. Also, it seems like you have been making a few bucks with the different projects. That’s great! The bracelets look great in those recent photos…nice work. Legyoyo and I are taking time to get things done right. When we do, I’m hoping he will raise enough to get a super nice throw for himself. He’s been working hard on his business. You guys are doing great.

@RobK, that makes sense about collecting, and now I feel better about last year’s spending. :smiley: How many machines do you have? It must be harder to collect things that take up space. I have looked at arcade games and they are pretty pricey. I haven’t gotten one though. Yo-Yos are dangerous because you can accumulate a bunch of them and only take up a few feet of space by stacking cases. With guitars, I bought 9 and then stopped because they were taking up half a closet. I’m going to sell one and get it down to 8. It’s an acoustic bass though, so it’s harder to sell. I will try to unload it on Craigslist.

Job opportunity for Young Entrepreneurs of YYE. Apply within ;D

T.A. Needs 3 Paracord Monkeyfist Knots in YYE colors.

Well, I’m working on a photo similar to how I made one for YYF, YYJ and General Yo. This one will be for YoyoExpert. But, I want to use the knots as “periods,” between the letters. If they are black and red with a bit of white, it would be perfect. I would need three of them. If you can definitely do it, quote me a price. There are three knots to make, so PM me a quote. You guys have a chance to bid for the job. Another lesson in business haha. There are three knots, so potentially three jobs available. Or, maybe someone will get the entire job. Please quote me by…Saturday. :wink:

Please quote me two prices:

  1. For 3 knots total shipped;
  2. Price per knot shipped.

Thank you.

Tip: Do not discuss your bids with the competition, just be competitive in your pricing. :wink:

This is an example, but it will be YYE, made with YYE colorway throws. I need something instead of Fleas and the string clump. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Knots should be no larger than the size of a counterweight, or a bit smaller. Three quarters of an inch in diameter would be perfect. Let me know what you will use for a weight inside the knot (marble, bead, rock). Thanks.
Yoyofactory2.jpg by The TotalArtist, on Flickr

I’ve scaled back to 2 actiuvely set up, and one that will be for sale in the spring. At my peak I had 10, and realized I like the space more than all the machines.

If you decide to get an arcade machine of any kind, let me know, between me and my friend Tim (who was in that movie I told you about) we have some good local connections, and a rough idea of fair pricing. He just got a great condition asteroids machine for less than the cost of a hyperion. I think it was $350. If you know how to buy on the collector market, video games are surprisingly cheap.

sounds very intriguing. I could make the red one out of metal wire if interested