You know you should stop yoyoing when...

sorry. I got nothing.

You should never stop yoyoing.

When your thighs hurt from keeping a yoyo in your pockets all day.

When you start using a counter weight and keep hitting your knuckles and are about to chuck your yoyo at the wall haha for the sake of the yoyo.

You know you should stop yoyoing when you say to your yoyo you suck,and he reply it ain’t me lol

You know you should stop yoyoing when someone says your real talented it would take me years to get that bad lol hahaha

Last one imma do for a while you know you should stop yoyoing when you desire lets put sting on the hubs and throw it that way lol wouldn’t recommend that hahahaha

happens tooooooo much

When your hand starts looking like a drought in a desert. Either that or when your finger starts turning a nasty shade of purple and you can’t feel the finger above the loop.

When half of your finger falls off cause you put it in the same spot too many times!