Like my signature?
I may start making sigs for people again, heres some that I made a while back.
I like the one you have now.
How could you forget about those? Those are great!
Making signatures for members can get pretty hard at times.
Trust me, once you get into higher-grade signatures, it’ll get hard.
Hes been doing this for a long time. In fact, he was making them for froum members before you even started yoyoing probably, lol.
Can I have one? Specs: I want an Aqua Blue Dv888, the word ninja somewhere, and my name in a cool font
Ah. January 18?
Anyways, good job!
Sig for Samad is started
I did those sigs back in like November or December I believe
What’s a month difference? ;D
(Let’s see, Christmas Eve, Christmas, more Yo-Yoing… The list goes on! :))
i dig ur sig
OH. You’re I_fa_tang. I didn’t know that.
can u make me one that says yoyobro with a purple legacy on it and a pic of huckleberry hound on it
Sweet! I might want one eventually.
What do you mean by “Higher Grade” signatures? The ones that I make?
CoughYou don’t know how many sigs on YYE I madeCough
Yeah I do. Many people have them.
I made tons, and most never used them. I don’t blame them, but Bannerfans.Com is horrible.
If I could re-do all of the ones they wanted, many members would have mine.
I know I’m not the guy who you’re asking, but I decided to have a try. What can one do when one is bored? If you like it, you can use it. I won’t mind if you don’t though.
You can wait for DV888 to make one for you instead, but I just had to make it ;D
I made him one, too.
He PM’d me 2 days ago, and I sent him a code. He never got to it, I guess.
Can I see it? ;D
I don’t save them. Once I send the code, I delete the main file.
He doesn’t know how to use it.
I told him, put the two img things at the end, he says nothing appears, just the picture.
So I told him, go to Imageshack, upload it, everything. He still doesn’t get it, not his fault, but I wrote a 2 paragraph answer telling him what to do. He still doesn’t get it.
Did you show him this?
Anyway, I never delete the sigs I make ;D
Yeah, I sent him the code, and I told him to put those at the end.
I guess he doesn’t get what I’m saying.