Yotricks and their worrying decline

I love the place that shall not be named. I would be very disappointed if they were to disappear.
I still go back to them for the basics instruction. I enjoy all the videos and the expansion of the skill toy interest on the site.
Yoyonation ( expert village ) and yotricks were the original places for me to try to learn and get throws.

I have for years suggested to the yo-yo curious. I mean, if I would have meaningful engagement with some one interested in yo-yo. I always steered them to yotricks 1st.

The videos were simple and at different angles good lighting same background different players tips and gang up with tricks. The videos had categories and a progression that was user friendly. The explanations of tricks and reviews have always been a presence in my yo-yo life.
Yotricks was making videos long before the ubiquitous presence of YouTube and other video platforms. Now that everyone can make their own videos even request video help from others and have videos made to a specific request or audience and by people willing to give their time to help strangers. I enjoy yotricks it has a very meaningful place in the community and my yo-yo journey. Any changes I have seen over the years were made to bring more people closer to yo-yo and skill toys.

I my experience with novice new comer to the hobby of yo-yo, if the 1st website you drive them to is YoyoExpert and they have now idea about the world of yo-yos… their head explodes. Too much information with out good base knowledge. If the yo-yo bug bites they very quickly find Yo-yoExpert.

Everyone have a great rest of the weekend


If it gets kids or other people interested/aware of yoyoing, it’s serving a good purpose. Yoyo content/marketing doesn’t need to get everybody to buy and play yoyo, just spreading awareness is still good.

It’d be one thing if it was bad/offensive content or something, but this post just seems like “I do not like what appeals to kids/mainstream trends.”

Caring about if content is “cringe” is dumb.


Fair enough. Again, may I repeat that this forum IS NOT TO HATE ON YOTRICKS

I have repeated this 3 times now and yet people still keep taking it offensively. If you disagree with my points, you can say that politely, not by saying “That’s just dumb”

please, I respect your opinion, but make it in a non offensive way

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Yotricks content isn’t just getting worse for yoyoers, but for Nonyoyoers too because they don’t get as detailed in their tuts anymore, which affects ALL the demographic

I think you are focusing on the youtube shorts content… which is tiktok-like binge content for viewing more so than learning. They haven’t produced many real tutorial videos outside of shorts, and the quality of those seems ok.

I don’t like tiktok, nor the youtube shorts, nor instagram videos for the simple fact that they do not provide video controls to go backwards, forwards, slow, loop etc. They are fine for binge watching content, but not for learning.

The real concern is the YYE Learning content… it’s a graveyard.


I’d like to see yye tutorials make a comeback tbh


Lololol hey! Some of those vids have some great knowledge(spirit bomb) but lolol I know what you mean and agree they’re dated…learning tricks off them feels like doing a hard trick with a bad Yoyo like it’s a mini flex hah! I don’t need any more yye tuts (I’ll take them tho!) like there’s a lot of good stuff out there from other content creators and yye can focus on being a dope place to buy Yoyo stuff and the forum.


“I’d like to see yye tutorials make a comeback tbh“

THIS. Andre was/is the man


i dont think anyone here actually thinks youre hating on yoticks but i cant really fault people on having a reaction to what you said giving how tonedeaf and lacking in perspective your initial take was.


Give the people what they want.

Yoyo boomers when yotricks doesnt make content specifically made for them :scream::scream::scream:


I think no matter what your opinion is we can all agree that we want more people getting into yoyo.

The day will come when those of us who played during the 80’s or even those that jumped in during the 90s boom are old and we’ll look to pass on our knowledge and yoyos. But if there wasn’t a big influx of players during the 2010s (which lets be honest there wasn’t) or the 2020s, then the hobby will be in danger of fizzling out.

Of course there will always be some people throwing yoyos. Yoyo has a long history. But we need to pump up these numbers. These are rookie numbers


Oof although I probably deserved that for making such a controversial post.

This is such a common thread, take and discussion about yotricks and the content that the responses from everyone was most likely predictable and expected without anyone’s feelings getting hurt. I guess it is a way to get people who may not know the issue get caught up on the issue.

I for one do not see an issue but try to respect the parties involved due to they both continue to provide me what I want from them both.

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I’d love to see YYE update the yoyovillage master and expert tutorials but I think by the time they do I may have learned all those tricks. The old videos are still great, some tricks are just tough to see whats goin on in 360p.


I didn’t seen any decline in the “quality” just an alignment to the modern “standards” and if you want to keep being relevant is a natural evolution, Yotricks and many other channels are more for beginners and newbies that wants to start doing something cool instead of throwing sideways for a whole day.
Is also possible that you getting better as player (or you are a good player in general) so you do not find any of those videos interesting (in my case for example I do not really follow them as I do not need those tutorials).

I actually think they doing a good job, both them and all the TIkTok people that everyday film and practice for the love of yoyoing and to introduce it to the world.

About this, that is what usually youtube channels wants and there is anything bad in it.

We are not suprised anymore about a DNA or something similar but many new people is, let them enjoy it man now and they will arrive slowly at horizontal 200.00 hook behind the back reverse :laughing:


I’m just happy that people actually replied. Even EOS44, was a real surprise! Probably gonna make a less controversial thread next time.


Yotricks is a business. They’re trying to convert non yoyoers to yoyoers, and if they’re succeeding at it then great. The new crowd will eventually find the yotricks vids that are more dense, the yoyoers who do these popular tricks will convert even more non yoyoers, the community will live to see another decade. Hooray!


If I dont see that in the 2023 worlds contest i dont want to live anymore

Pls, keep to non-offensive, fair criticism.