Yomega yoyo id

Can anyone help with info about this yoyo ! I used to do competitions but can’t remember how i got this! And can’t find any info. Thanks


I’d assume it’s special edition Yomega Raider

I can only find 1 picture online and no information about it just a picture from a collection. Was trying to find out more about why and what it was released for, and how you got 1

Its odd cause the pat number is for a fireball but its got raider bearing

I had one of those once. Yomega sent them when you signed up for their trick club/team or whatever they called it at the time. Sometime in the lat 1990s. Gave it to my grand daughter some time ago.

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I have a couple of these in a different color, pretty sure they originally came with plastic transaxles aka Fireballs.

I can’t recall how i got them but i know it was sometime in the late 90s.