Yomega Glide

I had no idea a yoyo forum could be so educational. :slight_smile:


Yomega has been in the major leagues for a long, long time. The yoyo community that we are all a part of is a small percentage of the yoyo market. It’s nice that they’re appealing more to this community, though.


I think by major leagues he meant competition-grade yoyos. I don’t know that they’ve had one since unresponsive play got big. I could be mistaken, though.

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Exactly Qozux

I own four Yomega yo-yos and in no way do I degrade their importance in the market place. I just have never felt they as of yet developed a throw you could take to the big dances. This Glide appears to very possibly be a viable entry into the next level. I meant to honor Yomega, not disparage them.

If yomega some how messes this Yoyo up believe me I will be very upset with them

Don’t be!

It’s amazing! I’ve used it! Plays as good as other high end throws!!!

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But…its a string snapper! Remember Shadowz lol…almost took off some judges head lol…

I never thought of it like that. I always viewed us as THE yoyo community, which isn’t true. Although we definitely are the best :wink:

I will be skeptical till I try one. I’ve had my fair share of Yomegas. When I first started. The maverick and dash was their all metal yoyo and they also had the plastic ooch yoyo that was their pro yoyo. All had small gaps and it was very very difficult to near impossible to do anything past the advance section here at expert. Most tricks just snag and bind if you know what I mean. Yomega never could get off that 3mm gap or smaller. However i must say my maverick is a grinding beast. I learned a lot about thumb grinds from that one. Love the finish. Hope they stay with that. From what I’ve come to understand though is that they switched it up a lot lately. Mavericks and such and even ooch yo now comes with a C bearing which should widen the gap a little. Put a concave of some kind and it should get rid of the snagging issue. I was fine with the response of the maverick though. At least it wasn’t star burst like most their other YoYos. I will wait for the release.

I wonder how much it costs…

Fellavader mentioned that it plays similar to a YYF Genesis. I never tried it though. Looks good.

Thread cleaned up a little bit.

People are welcome to their opinions and to be critical - but with that said if you don’t have something nice to say and its directed at a particular company or person ‘just because’ let’s try and leave it out of conversation.


will the glide be dropping at YYE?

Thank you for cleaning up the thread.

Anyways, when I first joined Yomega they told me it was going to retail for $80, but sometimes things change. So I would say $80-$100

When they give me a full specification list, I’ll update the original thread post. Also when I receive one I will do a review for YoYoExpert :slight_smile:

Dang that’s an expensive Yoyo!


Not really, just different pricing than what we are used to from yomega! :wink:

Yeah that and expensive for me lol I can afford 100 dollar yoyo

I love Yomega. I will definitely try to pick up the one in the Ride The Lightning color.

Specifications have been given to me, and I have updated the thread post. Go check 'em out :stuck_out_tongue: