Yomagic's 4th Annual Secret Santa: Ship between 11/21-11/28!!!

Just shipped mine out! Should be there in a few days, hopefully Wednesday!

Shipped! :smiley:

A few of them should’ve arrived today. I know a few people shipped priority on Saturday

Got my package from RyN! Thanks! Got a beautiful toxic hazmat! Also, shipping my package today or tomorrow!

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Awww I wanted the fastest shipping award… If only my secret Santa would get home and open his!

Post pics when they come! I’m sure we would all love to see :slight_smile: My secret santa gift will be sent out tomorrow!

Shipped today!

Glad to see you got it! I hope you like the throw!

Josh is sending his tomorrow!

Wasn’t able to ship today D: Don’t’ worry, yours will be extra special.

XD it did ARRIVE ON MONDAY XD i work mornings to the evening.Thanks for the Rally and the off-string! and all the hi chew one man could need XD. I was gonna try and start going towards 4A,but i didnt wanna buy one just 2 beat it up in the garage,so i get to throw down and learn on this!Thanx buddy ive put some nice marks on it alrdy!! Merry x-mas. The koloski card is too fresh buddy.

shipping tomorrow.

Everybody should post pictures when they get their presents. Descriptions are nice, but pictures are better!

Gonna ship mine by the end of the week.

That was what i was hoping, it had a few marks on it already so i thought that might encourage some 4A play.

I just got my Secret Santa gift, and man was I stoked! I received a beautiful YYO Aura and an amazing CLYW Avalanche. I also got some candy (yum) :o and more miscellaneous stuff. The best part about this gift was that it came at the best time. I was having a pretty rough day, and once I got home and saw this package I nearly flipped out! It was also pretty cool that my Secret Santa isn’t too far away from me ;). Thank you yoyoavenger for making this AMAZING secret santa gift. I honestly couldn’t have asked for anything else! Happy Holidays!

Sorry for the low quality picture


^^ Nice!!

Just shipped out mine! I hope whoever gets it likes it!

