Do you know how to bind the yoyo?
Yes, the basic ones from front mount side mount
-Do you have a yoyo that you own or played with that you have liked very much?
YYF Horizon
-Do you have a preferred shape of the yoyo?
An H and V combination shape or just H shape; undersized or full-size is fine
-Do you have a preferred weight or weight distribution?
62-68 grams most likely.
-Do you have a price range?
$100 and under
-Do you have a certain amount of yoyos narrowed down? List them.
C3YoYoDesign Accelerator
YYO Kilter
YYO Lava
YYO Musket
-Do you prefer a certain brand?
YoYoFactory or ***YOYOFFICER
-Are you looking for a yoyo that specializes a style? Like looping, off string, freehand, etc.
1A, flowy kind of play (Can include some fast styles)
-Do you prefer a certain response system?
Anything like slim pads or basically any good response pads for unresponsive play
-Do you want hubsstacks or z stacks?
-What trick are you currently working on?
Everything in the Advanced list
-Do you want a yoyo to Thumb grind or arm grind good?
***means updated on my list