Yo-Yo Companies That Have Come And Gone.

Wow, going through this thread brings back alot of memories. Even within four years its amazing how many companies are announcing their first throw and then they are gone. Crazy.

This is the best thread i’ve seen on YYE in a long time, thank you Totalartist.

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Nice post. Very interesting.

Vs. Newtonn.

ALTHOUGH, Rumor has it Heath is making a comeback… it is just a rumor that I heard though so dont go believing it.

If he were to make a comeback, I feel like he wouldn’t be very welcome around here…

Going back to Anti Yo though, back in '06ish, they were extremely popular. I had just started yoyoing around that time, thanks to YYF and their exhibition they had at a toy festival in Singapore. After a month or so, I started to get really in to throwing (More so the culture of throwing than actually learning), and knew of relatively few brands, but EVERYONE new Anti Yo.

You either had a Bapezilla, or wanted one. I had the chance to try out a Bape, and back then, it amazed me. There was just something special about it… It looked cool, and was metal. What more could you want? Since then, I have greatly developed as a yoyoer, and although it has been a while since I’ve thrown an OG Bape, looking back, it was really a bad throw by today’s standards. There was a vibe, and the shape is a bit vanilla, at least nowadays. I feel that if a company like CLYW released yoyo like this today, it would be thrashed by the community.(The one I got to try had a lot less vibe than others, I was told. The vibe in all of them was due to misaligned axles, and an odd bearing seat design, if I’m correct.)

So yeah, Anti Yo had a lot of hype. So much, that a new thrower like me knew who they were. But, I think this hype eventually lead to them not producing yoyos for a few years. After a while, there was a big backlash on the Bapezilla’s, mainly due to the vibe I think. (Correct me if I’m wrong. I left the scene before the backlash, for about 2 years before yoyoing again.)

In the fall of 2011, they made a comeback, and released the Ywet, which I came close to buying, but didn’t, mainly because of the weird response.

Rumor has it Heath is gonna get his ■■■■■■■■■■ if he shows up somewhere he’s not welcome.

That ain’t gonna go down well for him, whatever he tries to do.

Oh, and the Anti-Yo axle system/bearing seat design used to be the standard. Everybody did it that way.

I was going to contact Heath and see if I could help him redeem himself through another fund raiser but I don’t think that would be a good idea.

Not a good idea. At all.


Thanks for the corrections, JerenB. I’m not sure why I thought it was the Luchador that had the machining issue. I had forgotten that they actually had a pretty good run before the issue that sunk them.

Yeah, honestly, all I liked about Heath was his genius in yoyo design. His persona is that of a douShe.

Erryone can change though, but I honestly think Heath would be better off design yoyos for companies in cognito because otherwise the said company would lose hecka business.

Haha ya it took me a minute to realize that if I can still do a ACS, but Heath shouldn’t be involved. He doesn’t deserve a second chance what he did made me want to throw up.

Hey, everyone deserves a second chance.

Ya I guess your right. It would just be hard. If he’d be willing to give me the Moonwalker CAD I’d probably do it.

Most of the string theory team left or just stopped yoyoing. I think the only have 3 team members from America? Gary Li from Canada left about almost a year ago, but other than that a lot of team just stopped yoyoing due to no new product They have been like GeneralYo and have sort of been sponsoring russian players lately.

ILOVEYOYO hasn’t been active for awhile either. Any news on them?

Buzz on may have died down due to the law suit from YYJ about the DV8 using metal rims to make a Bi-metal.

I haven’t been keeping up with current events for a while. What happened with Heath? I always thought highly of him and we got along well

Long story short he stole upwards of $4500 from his “Works” and “Happy-Tree Battosai” charities for the American Cancer Society and spent all the money on toys for himself.

What a shame. Never would have thought…

They’ve been active: Redirecting...