Here’s a nice link about Buzz On. Mr. Yoyo Trader made some very nice posts regarding his collection and his knowledge of yoyos. This won’t answer all your questions but it is something worth taking a look at.
Buzz-on made some great stuff. I’ve still got my Menehune. In that link that Skitrz posted, there is picture that includes a Buzz-on DV8. That is the yoyo that the shape of the DV888 honors. Another company I miss from way back is Losi. They are still in the R/C car business, but no more yoyos. I landed my first trapeze with a Losi Cherry Bomb. It was state of the art 20 years ago. Now it serves as a reminder of how far design has come. Who knows how good their stuff would be after 20 years of development.
Thanks for posting that. It seems they were around for awhile to release all those models. I never knew the DV888 was based off another yo-yo, but immediately I saw the name DV8 in the thread, I knew there was some relation. That’s a part of yo-yo history I was not aware of. Very cool thread…not sure how I missed it before. Cool stuff!
Wut? Anti-Yo haven’t released anything in over a year…
They bought their own hype a bit too much, produced way too many Bapezilla.2s, and i suspect that’s soured them to making anything else. Pretty unfortunate. No idea why they thought the Bapezilla.2 would sell the same as the Viszilla when it was just a different color, and not sure why they thought sending 150 of the friggin’ things to YYE was a good idea, although YYE has to take some of that blame as well. YYE still has over 50 of them available a year later, and i don’t even think they could liquidate them at $50 tbh. I’ve seen Bapezilla.2s selling for as low as $80 in shops and they still don’t move. Really too bad they went nuts with the production numbers because their prototype yoyo the Countach looks amazing and i really want them to make it.
Anti-Yo has to be considered gone unless some info comes out otherwise, i’ve heard nothing to make me think they have anything releasing in the near future.
Death by yoyo also came out with the high end EKG. I felt they pushed the anno designs to the next level and played great. Boy I’d like to get ahold of James Copley.
Part of the problem with buzz-on was to many parts. They had an amazing idea that didn’t work aswell as they had hoped. I have a bunch of element xs and some play out of this world amazing and others wobble and vibe. It was not a consistent product and that hurt them. I still think buzz-ons original idea of habing interchangeable guts could work but would need a lot of high cost machining. And as a side note losi cherry bombs were amazing.
Yossarian mentioned Throwdown, but was a little off with a few things.
They started with the FHzero weight rings which beat the Alchemy rings to the market by about six months.
Their first yoyo was the Luchador, which was a cult hit. They did three runs of that for a total of about 300 yo-yos.
Next they did a mini yoyo with the Shuriken. Like the Alchemy CU it was made out of steel, but had a blueing finish, like done on guns, instead of stainless. This yo-yo I think also came out slightly before the CU.
This is where everything fell apart. They decied to make a Delrin Version of the Luchador called the Lucha Libre. The “Libre” was a solid yo-yo in prototype form, which I still have my proto and it plays great. When manufacturing the retail version the machinist that they were using entered the wrong measurements for the bearing seat area. This caused that area to break after opening the yoyo once or twice. The owner knew about the problem, but was in for so much money he couldn’t do anything about it. Despite pleas from a few of us testers, he decided to go through and ship the yo-yo out to stores. They broke, and he decided to slip away from the community.
A little before the whole idea of the Lucha Libre came about, there was plans to make the Ronin. This was a yo-yo that Ed designed, and Throwdown was going to produce. A couple of protos were made, which were fun, but needed a lot of refinement. When Throwdown crashed, Ed was picked up by Spyy, who re-did everything about the Ronin, except for maybe the very basic shape, and made an awesome yo-yo, that I’m not sure if Throwdown could have matched.
The owner of Throwdown was a good guy, who just got way over his head. He was one of my traveling partners to midwest contests. I really wish he would have made things right, and felt he could still be part of the community. I talked to him via email about two years ago and he said he still occasionally throws, but has other interests to occupy his time.