Yo-Yo Camp?

Somebody should talk to Andre about this…

Why don’t you do the honors? :slight_smile:

Because I don’t think he would take a 14 year old with little to say as seriously as he would someone older who has more to say on it

If this gets going for real then it would AWESOME:D

well I’m 13, you got a bigger shot.

haha maybe we should find somebody else…

or both of us could go.

I’ll do it,I’m 16

I’d talk to these people before I involved them in my plans. You’re asking a lot if busy people to put aside a lot of time.

I dont think that we even need a bunch of sponsored players we just need a bunch of guys/girls who can throw to hangout and trade and have some fun ya it would be cool if they were there but its not necessary



We do need pros, the whole purpose of the camp is so it improves your yoyoing skills. Many of us look up to professional throwers, so who better to learn from? We could even have sections, like “4A throwers here” “1A players here” “2A players here” etc. we could even be taught all the styles, how cool would it be to learn 3A from Alex Hattori? Or throw 4A along side Ben Conde? Or learn some 1A swag from Ann? Or learn some 2A with Joseph Harris?

yes but remember there are plenty unsponsored players that do just as well as the sponosred ones.

And who said you can’t learn from unsponsored players?

I never said sponsored. You can be an unsponsored pro, but odds are you have little to no experience motivating and teaching a group of people.

Oh okay but your section idea sounds a bit ridiculous though kids or people will just walk up to the person they want to learn from and done!

That’s A Lie!!!
Last time I went to go indoor paintballing, one of the guys who worked there showed me 2 tricks! (With my own yoyo). And he learned from other people because he would go to Yomega and just chill, throw and learn from other people there… (Which is where I want to go now, there’s one pretty close to my house.)

I said “odds are” I never said you couldn’t learn from non pros.

yeah I guess.