If I had a nickel for every time I let someone use my yoyo, told them to be careful and informed them of string length, and then had them immediately throw it so it hit the floor… I’d probably have about ¢25.
Can definitely agree with people within 5ft radius when yoyoing. Some how the people are more confident with my yoyo control than I am.
Here’s my top 10 : #1 Having the yoyo fly off the string because the string was cheap and broke or because of low string tension (I always use high end string now). #2. Tile Floors/concrete #3. Dinging a yoyo (especially on expensive and irreplaceable throws) #4 losing control of the yoyo and having it hit a hard surface Introducing vibe. #5 Showing a yoyo trick but can’t because people are too close. #6 Having other yoyoers tell me I shouldn’t mind dings on yoyos because “its a toy and is meant to be dinged” #7 Learning a new trick on youtube and need focus on a part of the trick but need to rewind the video to get to the part of the video I need to watch but can’t because my hands are currently in a yoyo mount and need to simultaneously use the tiny remote to go back to the part that teaches a trick (often times I just restart a trick #8 having the yoyo run out of spin or tilt in a complex mount when learning tricks #9 Ceilings with glass light fixtures (guess what happened when I was using my yomega raider) #10 People being more impressed with walk the dog than every other yoyo trick I have been doing.
I guess, while 2 hand looping and trying to pull off Fountain between the Chandeliers at the Lamps R Us Store…… not knowing if the Security guards have anything more painful than rubber bullets or Bear spray> that makes me feel Uncomfortable.