you like yoyos? you like obnoxiously loud dubstep?
good, me too.
the Yomega glide was used. thing spins like a tank, choo choo.

share with a yo ho!
live long and throw me maties! yar!

“Spins like a tank, Choo Choo”

I almost died lol :smiley:

I noticed that your throwing has smoothed out a lot.

Keep up the awesome work

Nice stuff! What was the copper-colored yoyo?

I think through the whole video he uses a Silver Glide and an Aurora Borealis Glide.

At 2:04 there is a copper-colored yoyo.

Still, probably a Orange with blue splash glide

I love the borealis glide

thanks, this is smooth? really?
please subscribe and share if you haven’t. it really makes it more worth while. (NEVER THOUGHT I’D SAY THAT! @.@ )

copper? what time? i can tell you the exact colorway.

perhaps i can help, sorry, YYE had a flop and hadden’t gotten back to me orrrr, something.
i used the “Silver Hardcoat” for the 5a,
the “Yellow/Blue Splash” in some slack parts,
and the Aroura Borealus in most of it.
has this helped?

That’s the yellow with blue splash. The lighting makes it look a bit funky.

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