Hey everyone thanks for the overwhelming response towards the site. As the site grows we need to as well.
We are trying to improve the look and layout taking in all your requests and ideas. This site will grow with the community as the community sees what needs to be adjusted.
During this time please bare with us as we revamp the site.
Somethings we will be working on:
No longer will reviews pop up in a new page they will be on the same page with access to any of the sections in our review one click away
We will be revamping the whole video section as we plan on adding more new videos some sections users have asked for is a suicide and a GT section, as well as, doing the hooks, whips and slacks into their own section
We have been working closely with a few companies and have added a Sneak Peek section this will give you up to minute news of some of the latest yoyos in the making
Again thanks for all your support and we are going to try and make this what you and we envision it.
We have lots of new reviews in the works including the YOYOJam Atmosphere and New Breed, The Primer from EEB, The H20 from Hspin/Oxygene, Tre Luches from Born Crucial, ILYY Josy Ann and More. Stay Tuned…
Brett and Chris