Yakuza versus Mafia yoyo battles

Let me know if you all would like me to continue being a judge. Ty.

Ps. If so, should we do the bosses last or should I do that one tomorrow?

You certainly have my vote for continuing on as the judge. I say we go ahead and get a judgement on the M.Dev1 & Hippo Samurai bout.

Alright. We need to raise the stakes, MsDev1.
Loser has to wear their pants inside out for a school day.

Wait until 6:00 to judge the boss battle. Ill see if I can upload a better definition.

I’ve been busy with a lot of other stuff today as well so it might not be till tomorrow. I’m at work and judged over lunch hour and I’m trying to get my stuff ready and up on Ebay for the operation green triangle. And tonight I have a poker tournament to go to.

thanks so much for jugding these! It was very thorough. Also, don’t include “time” as a factor for the videos. It doesn’t reflect any of the quality, and I happened to find walnuts where I was filming and decided to juggle them, adding to the time. Just my opinion.

Well time is about a players ability. Not nutz juggling. Lol
Lemme better explain time.

Lets take the last video.
I said Nemyo looked a little rushed. Meaning he had to think of the next step a little more the Kei. I was looking for slieght pauses, slows, or stops. The players ability to know his routines beforehand and execute it together. That has nothing to do with the speed of each trick but rather the speed of the mind to knowing which trick and in which order goes. You can video a person to do a couple of tricks and he could pause between each trick or do them all together. This also is not flow. Flow.is the ability for a trick to blend with another trick. I could do barrel rolls and then boingy boing at the end with or without a pause but the still can flow together. Time usage is if i paused between them or not. Time usage is very important this. It helps define ability.

I did make note of how long they yoyo’d which isnt necessary. I can ditch that.

I just want to say I enjoyed the “nutz juggling” even if it didn’t factor into the final judging.

I did too. Hes acually a good juggler. ;D

I watched them but did as a spectator. I didn’t dig into them yet.

haha thanks. I just did one take for the juggling.

5 throws. As long as you want each throw. No regens

GG Nemyo. As to honor the Yakuza, I shall do a suicide.
(The trick if you were wondering)


I won!

Also, ghost i did it in one take XD.

So it was a bit of improv.

thanks so much for responding to the challenge and uploading a video, Kei! I was really impressed by your 5a. It seemed like voodoo magic; 5a has always been a mystery to me, I suck at it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Alright Samurai, now its just you and me!

up for the challenge? Loser has to wear their pants inside out on a weekday. I promise on the name of my the Yakuza that Ill follow through with it if you do.

from about 3 months ago… I shall update ASAP.
Yakuza for life.


1A M.Dev1 (Mafia) vs. 1A Hippo Samurai (Yakuza)
Since time was not understood well i thought we could rename it focus.

Focus - M.Dev1 definitely put on a good show with this entry. Most of his combos looked well practiced and pieced together. His cut video kept anyone from seeing inbetween throws, keeping the audiences attention. He had good focus throughout the video. Samurai had a bit slower pace but was tackling what seamed to me as more technical tricks. He kept good focus and knew the combos he was laying out. He did pause his a couple of times as he seamed like not only was he not rushing through, but rather waiting on the yoyo and the other time he hesitated on a throw as if trying to decide which combo was next. Verdict - M.Dev1

Tricks - Dev had a lot of fast tricks and i had to watch the video several times to figure out how many he really did. Samurai however was putting on a slower show but a lot more tricks in the end , that were more far up the scale on difficulty.(not including the juggling, lol). For instance, boingy boing vs. rock the boat (sideways seasick). Verdict - Hippo Samurai

Difficulty - Here you have to take into consideration the speed at which Dev is moving. Plus the awesome neck tricks thrown into the mix. Samurai was all about the more difficult tricks as well as a well played behind the back bind and eli hops front to back. Samurai also did a quick neck trick. Dev also had that awesome zammy neck wrap at the end with a gyro. Samurai with some well played chopsticks mixed up in combos. Verdict - Hippo Samurai

Flow - If you look closely at both these videos you will notice that one trick will flow into another, into another ,into another. They both had really good flow as far as tricks linking. So i separated this vote by the speed up and speed down and how it all fit together as a whole as the speed section is how fast the tricks are without problems. Samurai had a constant speed for the most part and kept going at a relaxed speed. Dev had great flow and just kept linking tricks but then he got you used to the flow of it all and then like hitting the brakes he pulls off a neck wrap and the flow just crawled as the gyro went around. Not saying this is bad trick but maybe easing into it would have been better. Instead of bam bam bam bam matrix style! I’m kind of torn on this. Verdict - Hippo Samurai

Speed - Dev was fast and furious. He may be for the mafia but was definitely kung fu fighting! most of his video was quick pops, boings, and neck throws. More difficult tricks take the more appropriate time, as i felt that Samurai could have moved a little faster on 2 tricks. but in return i felt the gyro Dev did wasn’t fast enough. Verdict - M.Dev1

Control - Dev had really good control as he could have slipped out of some of those tricks numerous times. Samurai pulled off some really good technical tricks that are easy to miss, like the chopsticks. It did look to me as if both had missed 1 bind. You could see it Devs face when the yoyo shot straight down and Samurai’s yoyo didn’t bite and he did a normal bind. Both had good control though. Verdict - M.Dev1

Theme - best theme for this battle I’ve yet to see. Dev had the dark, back room look with the trench coat. Definitely Mafia looking. The string was decent to see and he had a decent distance from the camera even though his yoyo went out of the picture. In some cases it looked like he got to close and we needed to see more of the picture on some tricks. The room was big enough for the neck swings so he had plenty of room. Samurai had the dirty, smelly looking, broken down, back alley (I know it’s the side of a house and the others a room). Right where I’d expect the Yakuza to bury someone. He even found someone’s nuts on the ground! He was a bit of distance away from the camera and so it was hard to see his string, but I still could see it. Barely. Plenty of space for those big hops and quick neck swing and the yoyo stayed into focus. Dev had a second camera behind him during the gyro that didn’t quite do it for me. I see what he was trying and it jerked the scene around and felt it stole the trick away. I wanted to see more of the trick, not a different angle. Verdict - Hippo Samurai

Overall - Hippo Samurai

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Thanks for the analysis, Ghost8982!  I appreciate the compliments and the criticism (it isn’t wise to criticize a Yakuza boss, but I’ll let it slip this once).
As for Mr.Dev1, phenomenal yoyoing.  I’m trying to learn that boing e boing thing you did where you went under your hands, in the process of boinging.  Thanks for some good competition, you have definitely earned my respect!

I see we both film with potatoes. 
Are you issuing a challenge? If so I’ll update the thread.