X convict sidecaps

JG traded me an x con without the sidecaps >:(. He didnt include that part in his yoyo report. Deos anyone know where i can get them?

Sorry, no, but I can sell you a set of brand new synergy caps for it if your interested for $6 shipped. Found out I don’t dig hubstacks as they were being shipped last week. only been out of the bag once. never inserted.

Sorry, im not a big fan of synergy caps, HUGE VIB lol.

Yeah, maybe I’ll put them in tonite so I can save cash on new years noismakers.

at any rate, the caps are really just a round piece of plastic glazing with a piece of paper behind it.
the diameter is exactly 4.2 centimeters, just scratch it out with a compass.
you can get the glazing in the framing department of hobby stores like hobby lobby, and Michaels. not to badly priced and theres usually 40% off coupons online for either ot those places.
then you can just print up the pic of the x-com cap, or whatever really, and put it in before you pop the plastic in.
It’s kind of ghetto, but it’s the same as how Yoyojam does it.