Where can i buy some synergy caps? Will they fit: Dark Magic, Hitman,etc. Can you just give me a list of all the YYJ yoyos they fit and where i can buy them?
Where can i buy some synergy caps? Will they fit: Dark Magic, Hitman,etc. Can you just give me a list of all the YYJ yoyos they fit and where i can buy them?
you can buy them at yoyonation here.
Size one fits YoYoJam Hitman (and its Hybrid Hitman version)
YoYoJam X-Convict
YoYoJam Axiom
YoYoJam Aquarius
YoYoJam KickSide
And size 3 fits Yoyojam Dark magic and meteor
Unfortunately they only have size 3 in stock right now. and wont be shipping out until the first.
You can also buy them at yoyoguy.com but there sold out.
Hope this helps some later and remember keep it spinning.
Ok, Cool thanks . One other thing. Do they have any that would fit an axiom, out of curiosity?
hi there…
yynation is refering size 3 for DM
and size 1 for kick side…and all…
www.spinworkx.com they are saying …opposite…i.e size 3 for kickside and 1 for DM
I say trust YYN.
yeah, size 1 fits an axiom and size 3 fits some legacy’s, they fit on 2 of mine but not on the other 2
We have Synergy caps and should have them up soon - both sizes actually.
Size 1 fits the Hitman, X-ConVict, Axiom, KickSide, and Aquarius.
Size 3 fits the Meteor, Speeder, and Dark Magic.
They fit the Legacy but you won’t be able to remove them easily once they are in so it is not recommended.
I need some to fit the Legacy so can anybody give me a list of online stores that have them that are not out of stock
First of all, you just bumped up a 2 year old thread. So don’t do that again, and also, they’re discontinued and out of stock everywhere now.
no thats not true does this fit?
the small ones
Yo-Yo Boy:I need some to fit the Legacy so can anybody give me a list of online stores that have them that are not out of stock
First of all, you just bumped up a 2 year old thread. So don’t do that again, and also, they’re discontinued and out of stock everywhere now.
no thats not true does this fit?
the small ones
It depends on which yoyo your talking about.
The Legacy yoyo
the small ones will not fit the legacy.