WTF Summer

Bored. Not for tricks or anything. Just a video.
PLEASE subscribe to WeThrowRiverside

That was awesome! That made my night before I head off to bed. Lol. The outside of the summer and tricks was great!

you butt holes got loop 900s hey nice 5a cameron never saw your before

hehe lol this was one quality vid :wink:

Very fun and colorful, it really ties this video together as a non-serious just-have-fun flick. Lookinb foward to your next video

That was awesome! I like “lets have fun” videos. :smiley:

BTW guys WTF stands for Way Too Fun.

Hey this is cool vid man. Shows you to go out and have fun! I shall go do the same now! (No video though, lol) :]
BTW that looks like a really nice neighborhood there. :slight_smile:

Yoyoing is fun right? :smiley:

What is that trick at 47.