would you rather

No Question!! :o

WYR bathe in nacho cheese or halfway set jello?

Nacho Cheese Bruhh.
WYR Meet your favorite YoYo Player or you favoriteMoviestar/Musician etc.

yoyoist of course

WYR be paid $400000 or the same value in gold?

Same value in gold. Save some of it and become rich in the future.

WYR be stuck in a castle like Amnesia: Dark Descent, or be trapped in an underground top secret lab?

Top secret lab

have no yoyo for a week or no phone for 2 and a half weeks

WYR drop your OXY TI or get your hands chopped oifff.?

Oxy. No doubt. hahaha. I like my yoyos dinged anyway.

WYR swallow 20 yoyo axles or swallow 20 yoyo bearings (size C)

Axles, a lot smaller.

Would you rather destroy a Ti Walker or your X-Box Kinect?

Kinect. Besides,PS3 is better.

WYRGo to space, or get a new throw of your choice.?

New throw, I’m so awesome, they’re already begging me to go to space.

Would you rather eat ten pounds of cheese(didn’t make you constipated and can be the cheese of your choice) or drink ten gallons of chocolate milk.

This is one where I actually want to choose both…Lol.

Probably chocolate milk.

WYR Be seen by all your friends buying all of Jusin Bieber’s CD’s or having all your friends see your Lady GaGa Shrine in your closet? (Assuming you had a shrine in your closet.)

Buying Biebers CDs. I ran out of clay pigeons

Would you rather live on live on planet Reach or stay on Earth towards the end of the planets life?

Earth. Don’t like Halo. Besides, I’d go out with a bang. :wink:

WYR watch your most hated movie 2 times in a row without getting up or eat an entire bag of completely and totally stale chips with nothing to drink?

Depends, the worlds most hated movie might be my favorite movie, so movie.

Wyr watch the scariest movie ever or the most boring movie ever

I said YOUR most hated movie. Lol

And boring. I tend to like movies that don’t have a story lol

boring i guess… my mind tends to wander

WYR drink a bottle of ketchup or mustard

mustard no calories

WYR smack a horse or a troll

troll. I don’t know why

WYR be good at dancing or good at singing


WYR lick a metal pole in alaska during the middle of winter or dip your tongue in boiling water for 10 seconds.

Lick the pole, ill just do the second immediatlly after.

WYR eat a gnarwhal (the yoyo) or eat a narwhal (the animal)