Would you buy an anime waifu yoyo?

  • Yes
  • No
  • No but would like to because broke (I feel ya :smiling_face_with_tear:)
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Im curious how many people in the yoyo scene would be interested in anime yoyos and such since there doesnt appear to be a lot but feels like a no brainer to me that it should exist. Personally id love to have a collection of em

What is an anime yoyo?

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If it looks like this im down fr


Here’s one for example

That looks so cool!

been thinking of doing this honestly, just make a design with your favorite waifu/oshi and draw them or print them on 48mm diameter acrylic, and put it on a spin gadget or any caps compatible throw, or just buy stickers at anime related events😁

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My answer is “no” but only because I strongly prefer solid finishes with little or no engraving. My feelings towards anime specifically doesn’t really factor into it for me.


edited out snark sorry

no, i would not


Hang on, I’m a bit confused. Are you referring to stuff like Blazing Team? If so, then yes. But if that’s not what you mean, please enlighten me.

Idk what that is exactly but i dont think thats what i mean. I literally just mean a yoyo with a cute girl on it, like this for example


I see; I don’t really like yo-yo’s with engravings, and I haven’t watched Anime. so I don’t think I would.

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No but can be yes only in case the waifu is the Eva01 in berserk mode


I don’t particularly care for yo-yo engravings that are character graphics or similar. I don’t think they usually work well with yo-yo cup shapes or fit the aesthetic of most yo-yos. Imo geometric/pattern engravings work better usually.

Also just not interested in the idea of waifu merch.


A few years back, our brand did a yoyo we called the “Senpai” which was exactly this! We created our own OC character and had an artist create the engraving
Each colorway was themed after an anime character as well :slight_smile:

More of this theme coming 2025 :wink:


Yes, I would, but no one made them, so I made them.


Bro getting a photo taken down cuz it has the yoyoRewind url on top is so lame. Like that only pushes people away from your platform, instead just ask to put a link from your own store if u sell it, and if u dont then whats the harm? Pretending there isnt any other yoyo sellers doesnt help anyone.


Speak for yourself, mine do.

Being an adult that plays with kids toys is plenty far down the rabbit hole for me, without putting “waifus” on said toys.

If that’s your bag, you do you. Not gonna tell you you’re wrong. Just couldn’t be me I guess.

Now excuse me while I take my last few vestiges of testosterone left after reading this thread and go to the gym, drink beer, shoot guns, and arm wrestle a grizzly bear.


im an anime fan, but i probably wouldnt get a waifu stenciled onto a yoyo (nor would i with a husbando tbh). generally im a fan of designs that look nice both when static and spinning, so an image wouldnt show well on camera or when using the yoyo. i totally would be down if it was one of my friend’s OCs or if i really really like the media the character comes from.
(also i think skimpy clothes as a design is kinda lame, make some interesting design stuff yknow?)

I always thought that rule was a bit… too defensive. YYE will always be my go to because I want to support, unless they don’t have what I’m looking for.

I could understand if someone was like “hey check this out, this specific item is $20 cheaper here, you should go snag it”. Like that’s no good at all, you def don’t want your own product being used against you, but in this context it feels a little much.


I put an edit of the image back up.

It’s just a tricky balance regarding free advertising elsewhere - but also clearly we have generally been far more relaxed about it too as time goes on. We are always re-evaulating how to approach this - the feedback is appreciated. :+1: