Why so little Enthusiam for YoYo Videos?

Im down. Just made first video

Yea I eel that my vids hardly are noticed aswell My average amount of views on my vids and then I go check out a proffesional vid and there like 5000 and its just like “no fare” LOL (did anone catch that pirates of the caribean quote?)

It doesnt bother me that much anyways

I like real music like what you said just most of the music picked is good background music or easy to Yoyo to. Like for me my go to these days is Lindsey stiriling.

Awesome dude great tricks in there and nice scenery. Also, love the Linkin Park man I really love that Recharge album! ;D

That’s your FIRST video? Dude, you’re awesome! Horizontals?! You should’ve been making vids way before now. I like the backdrop too. Sweet location.

I heard of her Christmas music, but I just took a look at some of her youtube videos. “We found love” and “Shadows” are really good. I suppose techno and violin doesn’t sound all that bad. Thanks, abby! :slight_smile:
I think you might really like the New Pornographers. Especially the songs where Neko Case sings. Some to check out are “All for swinging you around”, “The Laws Have Changed”, “The Bleeding Heart Show”, “Failsafe”, “Adventures in Solitude”, “Crash Years” and she does awesome harmonies on “Sing me Spanish Techno” and “Valkyrie in the Roller Disco”.

I make vids and I’d have to say that being both a magician/ yoyo person that magic and cardistry vids get a lot more comments from there respective communities.

When I post my videos here I often get an avg. of 50 to 100 views. Comments mostly about my hair and editing. That’s okay though. My hair is pretty awesome. :slight_smile: I often ask others in PM about ways to improve my vids because that tends to be a more detailed route. I try to respond to each commenter but I may miss a few.

About music choice: when I’m on YouTube and I see a “Terrible music choice” comment It makes want to scream at my monitor. It’s not terrible. You just don’t like that particular artist or genre. If it really bugs ya you can mute. Love real music but I’m not annoyed by hip hop or techno either.

Thanks for the kind words guys. Gonna be making another in jan-feb with a custom synthrock track im collaborating with a friend. Ive been thinking it would be reslly cool to have a website like that but the community seems so self absorbed in liking their own stuff. I dunno im sure it would work out eventually tho.

I listen to the Lumineers, MGMT, Of Monsters And Men, and XX as well. Basically that genre of music. Have you tried vampire weekend? They have a very peppy and happy feel to their music.

Sorry if I sort of hijacked this thread about videos and turned it into one about music. But I just want to quickly thank Coronett for reminding me about this band. I caught them on SNL a while ago and then promptly forgot who they were. All I remembered was that someone had resurrected Buddy Holly and the Buzzcocks and made them play together. These guys are really fun to listen to and a great return to simple rock and roll while keeping a modern flavor. I think A-Punk and Diane Young are my favorites. Thanks again, Coronett. :smiley:

As someone who makes videos. It is a little frustrating to have them mostly ignored. But at the same time I don’t necessarily need to hear “great job” in order to know that I’m good. I prefer quality comments. And constructive criticism.

When I comment I usually point out something I liked first. Then something that could be improved upon. Because there’s always room for improvement. And with a goal to work towards I know that I tend to work harder.

I’ve seen this for quite sometime when it comes to yoyo videos online and with the sharing on facebook/forums. Its unfortunate not every single video can be seen and liked and popular but that is just how its like. But it has been like that for the longest time in the yoyo world.

For myself, I try to watch everyone’s videos and give positive critism because we all can improve on what we love to do. :slight_smile:

I know the feeling of getting ignored, in fact Mo has said multiple times how people do not even say much of anything my direction when it comes to my tricks/videos as if I am some kind of disease! I also tend to get the “Great trick as always” comment, which doesn’t bother me but makes me wonder aha.

Just don’t sweat it too much. If a video doesn’t get picked up by people, just get back to work and keep improving hard on your trick theory AND video taking/editing.


OK, so I suspect I will be utterly lambasted for this, but the reason I don’t comment on a lot of yoyo videos is that I really only yoyo for relaxation, and because I feel like an old old man, I really only enjoy more traditional yoyo tricks. I have no desire whatsoever to watch people looping a yoyo string around their neck, or around their arms in strange ways. While I know that those tricks assuredly require more skill than I will ever posses, I don’t find them interesting. Nor do I particularly enjoy horizontal to watch. Therefore I tend to watch and enjoy vids from people I know are a little more techy in their style, and I watch videos that I know will appeal. I have said this in several place, so I apologize for repeating myself, but I religiously watch Augie videos because his style and enthusiasm makes for a video I enjoy. I also find it difficult to enjoy ‘speed’ yoyoing, partially because it’s more difficult to follow for a rubbish yoyoer like me, and again because I want people to seem like they’re enjoying throwing a yoyo around and not sweating themselves to death trying to move the yoyo at supersonic speeds.

I haven’t checked out many of the videos here, but do people put as much effort into making them as interesting as, say, a skateboard or longboarding video? From the very few that I’ve seen it seems pretty static. One location, one camera angle, some fancy tricks, but there are so many people doing fancy tricks already. Where is the style, the drama, the personality? (this is just based on like 1 or 2 videos that I looked at here).

Yo-yoing seems a bit different than other similar things. It doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that flourishes in front of the camera. I’e seen a similar phenomenon on “learn to play [genre of music]” sites, where the “Original Compositions” section is full of uncommented threads. I’ve just learned to accept it and chalk it up to “hmmm… maybe I should try harder”

What about something like this?

Yeah I definitely enjoy watching fixie stuff. Not sure why, especially seeing as I’m terrible at it, but it is fun. And I think it looks cool too.

I’d watch more videos if they were like this.

Great quality!

This. This is why I love the old skateboard videos (Natas Kaupas being aa really fun guy to watch). Now I do love those cheeky super technical Japanese kids with the smiles and petsonality. Also that guy “BLACK” had a cool ted talk thing that was entertaining and told a story.

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SketchMan, I tend to agree-- for me it’s rarely about the tricks and always about the personality and/or edit. I like videos by Augie (personality!) and Coleman Weimer (edit!) for this reason… it’s either enthusiasm or good art direction. There are other yoyoers that fit the bill; those are just the first that came to mind.

But when you DO see those videos, it’s pretty satisfying!

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I try to make my videos interesting but I just got into yoyo/ film making. Not exactly a wiz at it yet.

However I think yoyo looks really nice on screen. Borderline beautiful.

ditto here.
I think we need a sorta-“kardistry.com” ish website for yo-yos,
where its a site dedicated to just videos.
If ever you decide to push things through, I’d be down to help.