What I am going to share with you is neither evidence for the defense or ammo for the prosecution. It is just something to factor in to this book release/Kickstarter equation.
John Higby started his (self employed show) approximately 26+ years ago. Basically a higher level of ‘busking’. Like the guy at the shopping center that puts down a hat and does things impressive enough to earn him some cash.
He has travelled the World, endearing himself(and later in his career, his wife) to amazed audiences full of happy faces. He has always loved to paint and build things. Often, between performances, he stays busy painting just about anything. The guy can’t sit still and usually has little projects lined up…
John, over time, fine tuned his scheduling to make the money he needs ‘to live’ without killing himself. His plan has worked for well over 20 years.
We all try to make financial plans that factor in ‘that unknown expense’. It can be school books, new shoes, tires for the car, an unplanned trip, whatever. And if everything is pretty much flowing along, we just keep using the same formula to make enough money to move on down the road.
About 19 months ago, SUDDENLY, Johns’ formula hit a giant hole in the road! Covid 19= no more shows, no more crowds, no engagements………Zero cash flow.
25 years of bill paying income and the self employed Showman is unemployed with a quickness.
He has a Wife, a house, a few children, and the bills don’t stop. I am not sure of this, but I ‘think’ both of Johns’ boys are Autistic. One, very much so. Needing constant care at no guess of the expen$e.
He has the Book plan in motion and gets totally knocked off course, financially. He’s trying to keep his head on straight and his best friend commits suicide. So now the guy is screwed up financially and mentally.
Then, factor in not being able to make your house payments and the Loan people don’t care who lost their income or killed themselves. They just want ‘the payment’.
I can see how his immediate priorities might change. We don’t have to fully understand his challenge. But I am sure we can all at least agree Higby is much more aware of how screwed up his personal situation is than we are.
I am certainly no mind reader. So I can’t say why he doesn’t post up his plight in at least a few places. We can only take turns guessing.
…Like I said, I’m not defending him or trying to bury him…
But, under these trying circumstances, I certainly would not want to be in his shoes.