Why do you yoyo and how did you get started?

i yoyo because it fun and i wanna be good i started last year when my friend was doing 5a

I yoyo because it’s entertaing and impresses friends easily. I got started after watching a video on youtube of a guy doing yoyo tricks. Later in the day i went out and got myself a Duncan Mosquito.

i do it cuz its fun.
i got started with the ned show. i got myself a boomerang

I had a craving for yoyos, bought a Duncan Mosquito, went on youtube. That’s it.

I keep on because it’s like crack - once you’re hooked, you can’t stop.

I got started after a Senior in High School showed me a thumb grind last year xD

It’s a fun hobby, my family supports it all the way, and it keeps me from playing Black Ops 24/7. :wink:

-James Reed

I like yo-yos because they’re so much fun and there is always something to learn. I like the challenge, and it helps me focus when I need to take a break from something else, though it’s also distracting when I should be focusing on something else haha.
I’d never really thought about them before I saw the cool tricks that could be done, and never thought I could do those tricks anyway until a yo-yo was given to me. I accidently lost the Duncan Butterfly (insert sad face) so I bought a new one, then I lost that one too (insert aggravated face). The third time the store didn’t have anymore so I looked at what they had and decided just to buy a Throw Monkey. I didn’t know what it was but it looked (and the cost was) more serious and so I was determined not to lose it and to learn on it. Then magically like the next week the Duncan crew came to town on their heritage tour and I learned quite a bit! So over the past couple a months I learned a lot from them, online videos, sites like this one, and a couple guys I know who introduced me to yo-yos in the first place! 8)

i Yoyo because its alot of fun and the possibilities are endless :slight_smile:

and i started because my Ps3 broke and needed something to do on my free time so i bought a Original duncan butterfly. Ever since that day i have been hooked and now i play less video games and i throw more ;D

I started yo-yoing when I was almost 13 years old, I met a really cool guy who was picking up his grandchildren from the summer camp I was staying at, he was throwing some yo-yo’s and I really wanted to learn. After chatting with him for a while I found out he helped organize a local yo-yo club every other Sunday about 30 minutes from my house. I started going and learning tricks from him. After I found the online tutorials like sector-y and the glasslab and learned the tricks there I ended up teaching that very same guy a lot of tricks :).

I keep yo-yoing because it’s my passion. I only ever wanted to quit the hobby once and that was because I forgot that it was important to me. I stopped throwing for a few weeks and started to find myself bored. I’d be standing in a line or waiting somewhere with my parents and could be throwing but didn’t have a yo-yo. I still throw now because I’ve seen the doors such a unique hobby can open for you. You can entertain people at the drop of a hat, you can meet people who would otherwise ignore you. You can get to know some really important people (whether pop-culture or just important to you). That’s why I still throw, and I love every single minute of it. For many different reasons.

I yoyo because it’s fun, something to do, it’s lead me to a whole new community of people, and there’s so many possibilities, and it doesn’t get boring. I started yoyoing when a kid brought a yoyo to my school, and was counting how many rock the baby’s he could do. I thought it was like the worst thing ever, but then a kid gave me a Duncan Butterfly for free, and I couldn’t stop. Then I progressed, and created an account here, and without this account, I would know nothing, and nothing about the latest stuff that’s happening.

Why? 'cause its like having bubble gum for my fingers.(something to occupy them)
How? Seen a little kid playing with a cheap butterfly and I tried it. “Hmmmm, me thinks we got suptin here…”

i do it cuz i like it

i started yo yoin’ to quit smokin’…but now i smoke and yo yo at the same time.

i don’t fight my vices…i expand them.

