TLDR; Some friends in my neighborhood got yo-yos and I thought it was awesome, so my buddy and I got super into it to and it took off from there. I joined a yo-yo club and met a ton of amazing people through yo-yoing, and had a ton of fun. Took a break for several years but back because I miss “yo-yoer me”.
Back in 8th grade a couple of kids in my neighborhood got some yomega mavericks, and me and one of my best friends at the time thought that was so cool, so we went to walmart and got some duncan mosquitos. We played through a few of those until the response pads stopped working or the string broke and got a few yomega plastics, and by the time we got our own yomega metals we were hooked. When I first found YYE, the tutorials and the video of Jensen Kimmit winning worlds in 2010 with a YYF Northstar were absolutely incredible to me and I just wanted to learn all the tricks and it was a blast!
What’s kept me going? The community and the creativity aspects. I found a yo-yo club nearish to where I grew up (shoutout to the Utah Yo-Yo Club, y’all are awesome!) and had a ton of fun going to meetups, learning tricks, and making new friends that also yo-yoed. Everyone was super nice to me and encouraged me with learning new tricks, filming trick videos, trying each others’ yo-yos and just talking and hanging out. It was a really great group of people and I just kept having great interactions with yo-yo players for the following years no matter where I went. I got super obsessed with yo-yoing from 8th grade until I graduated high school and it just became a super integral part of my life. I also just loved how creative and expressive I could be with yo-yos, and the active nature of it was just so fun for me, even though I wasn’t super into sports.
Graduating, moving to another country, coming back for college, getting married, COVID, and moving several times encouraged me to take a break from throwing that seriously. I still enjoyed it and would throw occasionally, and if something like a talent show came up I would practice a bunch and do it, but I never really found a solid group of people to throw with after graduating and moving a bunch.
So why am I back? I miss the community and I’ve started being a bit more active with my old group of yo-yo friends. I also binge watched worlds this year and it was just so much fun, and reminded me of how much I enjoyed yo-yoing, competitions, and learning new tricks. I also found myself getting sucked in to social media and gaming to the point of it being unhealthy for me. These have their place, and I do still enjoy gaming, but I didn’t like the “me” I was becoming, and I remembered that I was able to manage my emotions, have more genuine fun, make friends, and share smiles with people more when I was yo-yoing regularly. So recently, I made the conscious choice to come back to the community, get some new yo-yos (still working on this one), throw regularly again, and start learning tricks to prepare for competitions again.