Why do you yo-yo?

Because why not

Cause the yoyo community is awesome and I love the feeling of string running across my fingers. Plus I love feeling the accomplishment of learning a new Yoyo trick or creating a new one.

I yoyo because no one cares if I yoyo or not except for myself.

With playing sports I enjoy them but there are people telling you that you have to try harder and practice more. With yoyos nobody could really care less if I do it or not and I get just as much satisfaction. The only one pushing me to get better is myself.

(and of course the chicks)


Itā€™s fun to make tricks and stuff.

I only make tricks, never stuff. :cry: One day I hope to learn to make stuff with my yoyo. What kind of stuff do you make? :smiley:

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I yoyo because I donā€™t do anything else. I donā€™t play sports or have any hobbies except for gaming so I yoyo. It is probably the best hobby I have ever found and will probably never give it up.

Itā€™s a fun, creative, challenging, yet relaxing hobby, that isnā€™t costly, and keeps you moving in a way thatā€™s not physically taxing. It is also a hobby that can spin off into much more than just playing. It definitely grows with you.

No matter how sad I get, the yoyo (return top) goes down and thenā€¦it will come up. If Jesus figured out how to walk on water, then I could at least try to learn how to yoyo. Jerry Seinfeld said that the worlds problems could all be solved if people would just ā€œlook to the cookieā€. If people could just pick up a yoyo and throw it then all the religious and political differences would just work themselves out without a war. Itā€™s kind of like thatā€¦why yoyo I must.

Thank you, tell your friends

Why wouldnā€™t I yoyo?

What else am I going to do while I wait for coffee?

I love learning other peopleā€™s tricks and discovering them on my own. I love the challenge and the reward. I donā€™t have to be social to enjoy it. :stuck_out_tongue: I find inspiration through videos online so that also is a big factor in my continuing to play for almost 5 years now (in March).

When I started, because every single ounce of progress and discovery was exciting. Later on, because of the community and my motivation to contribute. At this point Iā€™m in a bit of a recovery period from the worst slump Iā€™ve ever worked through, so mainly Iā€™m yoyoing because it makes me angry and has lead to a really dramatic style shift that keeps me going frankly because I wanna see what happens.

because it gets my hands ready for some nighttime loving

because I can

because all of the whips and slacks really help me lasso doges and then fly them to the illuminati secret hq. wait a minu- OOOOOOH NOOOOOOO :-X :-X :-X

but in all seriousness, yoyoing has actually helped me in pretty amazing ways, for exampleā€¦

  • I used to not talk to ANYONE other than my family members, now i can walk down the street without being as anti-social as i used to be (although im still pretty anti- social to non-yoyoers lol)
  • i have adhd, and therefore i get REALLY anxious and nervous sometimes (especially at yoyo contests ;)) and yoyoing is a GREAT stress reliever
  • Outside of yoyoing, i only have about 3-4 freinds at all, so it has really made me really feel like i have people who care about me besides my few freinds and all my family members :slight_smile:
  • i am pretty much addicted to it, but in a posative way
  • IT IS SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

btw, in my case, as far as da gurls go, my yoyoing kinda repels them. its pretty hilarious XD

probably one of the stupidest things Iā€™ve read

you should read more.


Iā€™ve been served

thats what i was shooting for bud

this is really why i yoyo:

Because Iā€™m really cool.