Fishing has taken up a huge amount of my life at this point!
I think it’s simply because it allows me to exist entirely in the moment. The same reason I like most of my hobbies. Skateboarding, woodcarving, music, yoyo, bushcraft. They all have a meditative element to them.
State of yo, as Ed puts it.
I noticed what attract girl the most over everything else is not yoyoing itself but go out and about with a yoyo holster in the belt and your yoyo dangling all over the place.
Better than a love potion apparently
I focus all my Hostility into throwing yo-yo tricks.
It keeps me calm and helps me keep my Promise to myself to Never Kill again.
Before yo-yos, I use to be a serial killer.
But… they finally caught up with me and got me on film.
I was on aisle 19, in a local Grocery Superstore. I killed 5 boxes of Cornflakes, 3 boxes of Captain Crunch and 12 boxes of Lucky Charms. Fortunately the Judge was my Uncle, so I didn’t have to go to the big Prison. I just had to do 6 months of Home detention and could only each unsweetened Shredded Wheat with no Milk.
I’ve been tossing around yo-yos for over 26 years. Now that I can do about 6 tricks, I am much more confident…
And I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for yo-yos, I wouldn’t be yoing today.
1.) I was hanging out at a tattoo shop a couple decades back, and one of the artists there liked to throw yo-yos when he wasn’t tattooing. He gave me a Yomega RB-2 one day and taught me a couple of basic tricks, and the rest is history.
At first, what I got out of it was the challenge of learning new tricks, and the small community that we built up through our local yo-yo club that inspired me to keep learning.
2.) What has kept me playing for 24 years and change? The simple joy I still get from throwing. Whether I am rehashing tricks I’ve done thousands of times, or working on something new, I still have just as much fun getting lost in the flow as I did when I first started. Maybe even more, honestly.
What I get out of it now is my hand-eye coordination and reaction time both stay sharp from regular yo-yoing. I also get the occasional satisfaction of stumbling on something new, or slowly piecing together a new combo.
Its an escape mechanism for the BS called life.
Because I experience a same good feeling when I think about the Green Duncan with a splash of silver that I can see and feel to this day in my hand. That was in the late 1940’s at age 10 - 11. I am most definately not Aphantasic.
I started yo-yoing when I was 8, and have been yo-yoing for 8 almost 9 years now (quite literally more than half my life!). I got into it after a friend showed me Jensen’s 2010 routine. I recognized the song and fell in love with that freestyle and started yo-yoing with my dad. I mainly just enjoyed watching yoyo players freestyle and trying to learn the tricks (and sometimes succeeding!) instead of watching normal YouTube or TV as a kid, I sat there watching every freestyle in every division.
Now that I’ve been doing this a while, I mostly yo-yo for the satisfaction and good vibes of doing the tricks and being in the moment. I find it as a way to just, enjoy the simplicity of a toy while being able to create new concepts and things to do, and being free from all of the distractions around me in the world to just do my own thing . I do also love the community (and hate it sometimes), and always yo-yoed alone until about a year and a half ago, where I met people online and eventually went to my first meetup a year back.
(Speaking of meetups, if you’re in Utah, come to one of our meets!)