Where can I get a yoyo anodized?

I’m looking for somebody who dose good custom anos.

You may want to contact England1414 here on the forums. He does some awesome ano work, but I’m not sure if he’s available right now. Still, here’s a link to his profile:


Thanks :slight_smile:

I dont really know but my friend used to do anos

This is great. It doesn’t help at all though… Just saying. I know that England1414 does it but usually only in summer because school takes precedence. You can always get a yoyo powder coated by mullicabob. He does amazing work. It’s basically like the Higgs boson of paint because you can grind if it is blasted prior. Hope this helps a ill bit more.

Don’t call him out for trying to be helpful. Cmon.

Sorry. But that wasn’t helpful. It’s like asking how to train a dog and someone says that they’ve trained cats and leaves it at that. I guess it’s just a pet peeve of mine…?

Most of the major companies use Gruntbull Anodizing out of Ohio. You would have to contact them for individual piece pricing.