where can i get a duncan hub kit.

im looking to hub my fh and i dont know where to get duncan hub kits. anyone know where i can get one.

B/S/T or from a PGM.

whats pgm

Plastic Grind Machine.

would i just take both axles out? and i just want to do it with out having to buy a whole new yoyo

theres no such thing as “duncan hub kits” there are hubstack kits from yyf for 30.00$ at this site

it would be easyer to buy a yoyo “with” hubstacks

Please don’t post a poll if it’s not needed. That poll gave you no benefit.

I will leave my comment at you are wrong. Another store used to sell kits with which you could hubstack a FHZ or Haybusa.

I do believe it was called a FHZ hubstack kit.

Woah, jumped the gun. We are talking about hubstacking right?


Oh okay. Chalk one up for Q-Man

thats the thing q"used" to it dosent anymore

That’s the thing. There is such a thing. It’s just not around anymore.

Like dinosaurs. Just cause they aren’t around anymore doesn’t mean that there isn’t such a thing.

Dinosaurs don’t exist. What doesn’t exist? Whoa, brain fart!

Well there was such a thing at one time but there isn’t such a thing now. :wink:

I’m sure that you can track one down if you actually wanted to put in the time.