When should I "upgrade" my yo-yo?

Aw, you can come up with statistics to prove anything. Forty percent of all people know that.

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Should you buy more yo-yos? Yes. The answer to this question is almost always yes.

Do you NEED to buy another yo-yo? I mean, probably not, but new yo-yos are fun and exciting. They keep me interested and I tend to play a lot more when new ones show up.

A lot of insight in this thread. Most of us do not need to upgrade, just look at the YYF Whip video on the product page here at YYE to see what great players can do with an inexpensive yoyo.

That said, it is fun to get a new toy, and, something new, maybe a level up from what you have may be inspiring to you. If you want a new yoyo, and you have the disposable income, go for it.

Upgrade when you can, Upgrade when you want to, just to it before you have to :slight_smile:

I like having a variety of shapes, weights, and styles. In time, you will too and before you know it you have your own collection starting up.

I think there is something to be said for sticking with one yoyo for a while, and getting used to the physics of yoyoing with out changing the variables, by going from yoyo to yoyo. After a certain point, part of the allure is most definitely experiencing those different variables. Also, having yoyos with different characteristics can help you get out of a rut, or help you succeed with a particular element, trick, or style that’s been giving you trouble.

Agreed. +1. This? upvote? what ever. I stayed with the shutter for several months before venturing out.

Buy whenever. The yoyo makes the least amount of difference in what you can and cannot do on the string.

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I bet garbage dollar store yoyos make up more than a .1% of yoyos on the market. Just sayin :smiley: