It feels like whatever I pull out of the case that day is my favorite throw.

However, my 2015 eH has been thrown everyday since Christmas (I’ve thrown my other yoyos, but no other has been thrown every day)

2A YYF 1080 Japan version
4A YYF Flight

To be honest, I’m not sure. A lot has changed since I was last seriously into yoyoing. It used to be the Dark Magic since I learned so much on it. I’d say over the years it’s been the DV888. I know the DV888 is dated by modern standards and most people seem to dislike it now, but it’s probably my most played metal. I’ve always liked how smooth it plays, how well it grinds, and because it’s a perfect pocket sized throw to tote around.

TooHOT and Dream are tied right now.

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3712/19586489975_e302b95a94_z.jpgTooHOTgoldengalaxyx by Total Artist, on Flickr

https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3786/19586487495_0541239b85_z.jpgTooHOTgoldengalaxyxb by Total Artist, on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/329/19209630491_13d5158eaf_z.jpgDreamblue by Total Artist, on Flickr

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/526/19200119182_c15e3fea31_z.jpgDreamblueb by Total Artist, on Flickr

Duncan Mg no caps widest spacers(you have to buy a parts pack to get them.) Silicone duncan stickers.
The Mg has to be a recessed version.

1a: Plastic: Daydream, Golyat, or Replay
Hybrid: Triad
Metal: Shu-Ta, Atlas, Puffin1, Space Cowboy, and Elysian

3a: Classics or T5s

4a: Flight or Gaia

5a: Daydream

2sick knight

GN Yoyo Co Phoenix


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My 2Sick Knight is getting a ton of love. So I’ll add that to my top 5, which are (in no particular order):

Axis Pulsefire
CLYW Puffin 2
2Sick Knight,
Eternal Throw Victory

This is the problem. ::slight_smile:
Armament, Albatross, Marmot, Citizen, Canvas, Halyard, Draupnir, Marvel, Eh, Jr., Nobunaga, First Base, Bishop, Prestige, Gelada, Apex, Octavia, Chief, AC, Fruiture, EvilYo…
Aaand 2Evil, Triton, Code2, Code1, Yeti, Capless. Whew😚 I love 'em all. Then there’s all these others too depending on what mood I’m feeling. One thing that’s consistent though is I get mucho satisfaction and joy just getting lost throwing. Skills are at a minimum but joy is maxed out, with a little Zen on the side. ;D

I really enjoy my 2016 superstar, 1st generation octave, and my OUT just for fun

Right now, my favorite throws are the imagine breaker, Avalanche and ac2.

Pretty impossible to decide.
Currently the avalanche and superstar 16 are my favorite newer yoyos.
I have a prototype I did from 2008 thats still one of my favorite playing yoyos of all time.

Had a first run yyr clash that was red and bead blasted, lost it, remember it being a complete champion and probably my favorite “competition yoyo”

Also the 0xy 4 comes to mind, as well as an ended eetsit I had that was done by ferralparrot. Will always regret getting rid of those. 'specially da eetsit…

It’s a tie between the G2 Marvel and my brand new Borealis, though I have to say the Borealis may be edging the Marvel out a bit.

What I’m feeling right now:

2A - Magic Yoyo D1, though I just got a YYJ sunset trajectory that I am really enjoying, should get another

Rebellion Butcher hands down :hocho:

Unpossible to decide anymore.

OD Valor is always on my list, so there’s that.

Axis Pulsefire
2sickyoyos Knight
YYO Nifty
YYO Rave
C3 Krown
Square Wheels Nomad
SPYY El Ranchero
Luftverk Evora

Ramping up on love for SD Flow again, need to own Sengoku Matsamune… need another OD Cascade…

^does your valor slip on binds often? I got it second hand and use fat kitty’s and binds seem to slip more then most of my other yoyos. Don’t wanna swap the response if it’s not needed since I’d have to order some.

Ac2 is my fav. But i just picked up a sasquatch a little over a week ago, and that thing is amazing! It might be my new fav. Also got mad love for the Armament, Gungnir, 2016 superstar, and the Dogma.

Like others have said. It doesnt really matter what im throwing, i just love to throw.