What's in your wallet

Not a yoyo for sure, so instead of trying to cram a yoyo into my wallet I made up a yoyo wallet.

As most of us do, I like to carry a yoyo with me all the time. Deciding on just one was nearly imposable for me. In that I made up this wallet to carry 2 yoyos some spare string paperclips and scissors. I think the Dragonfly and Speed Beetle are fun yoyos and good for beginners that might what to try if I am out in public playing. It’s most likely that I will change the looping yoyo for a No Jive or a Bumblebee form time to time. The wallet cane be clipped on a belt loop, worn on the belt and carried in a jacket pocket with no more bulk than an actual wallet. Just thought I would show the forum this thing. :slight_smile:

very cool.

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So did you use a camera case or something, or did you actually make this?.. Because either way, kudos.

“So did you use a camera case or something, or did you actually make this?.”

I used a digital camera bag. It has a main pocket and a small outer pocket that is what the knife attached to.

are you a advanced yoyoer

Nice, I might have to buy one so I can carry around my New Breed and my Atmosphere… Once yye gets another shipment of Atmospheres in that is :frowning:

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What’s the paperclip for?

Why, gettin’ knots out of course! :smiley:

“Nice, I might have to buy one so I can carry around my New Breed and my Atmosphere…”

Might be big to fit in this “wallet”… but if you find one you like go for it.