So early this year, my parents got divorced, I moved to 2 condos with no kids around them, I got really sick for 6 months, I couldn’t go to school so I had to get homeschooled (still am), so one day I bought a Peter Fish yoyo from Walgreens but it didn’t sleep like it was supposed to. So my dad took me to Toys R’ Us and I got a Henry’s Lizard and Duncan Pulse and that night I learned Rock The Baby. Now after 8 or 9 Months I have attended MidEast Regionals (Great contest, if you are nearby, Please Attend!), Ohio States, Tennessee States and The World YoYo Contest! But yoyo’ing has made me smarter, better on the internet, made friends (Darnell Hairston, Michael Stecz, Nathan Easton, Chris Fraser, Brenden Hoy), Found some really cool sites! (YoYoExpert, YoYoSkills, YoYoFactory, BombSquad) and found my favorite hobby in the world! And next year hopefully I will be running the Plymouth, Michigan yoyo club when Jake Maloney (Duncan Crew USA, MER Cordinator, Plymouth YoYo Club Leader) can’t! YoYo’ing does wonders! I seriously have become about %30% smarter!
Awesome, I live in the Toledo area and I might be going to 2011 MER
Me too.
Hopefully we will have a little bit more contestants next year.
And too answer the question yoyoing has made me spend more time on my laptop and spend more money than what i normally would spend. LOL
That’s cool I’m home schooled too and I think that you being home schooled might be part of the thing that made you more intelligent.
Nah, lol. For last year once I was pulled out of school (wasn’t to long before school ended) I only did math at sylvan and then I got smarter from yoyo’ing, lol. I think because yoyo’ing can fit into alot of subjects. Like science (bearings, spin rotation?), math (angles, spin time), history (first yoyo, learning old tricks) and believe it or not, Language skills because when I talk to important people in emails and in real life I try to sound older
Well what ever your doing keep it up it’s always good to become better in school and yoyoing! ;D
Studies show that art increases your intelligence, but so does eating cranberries and running backwards.
I wouldn’t call yoyoing the sole increase in you intelligence, I’d call it getting older and wiser.
Q, Q, Q…
Just my opinion man, studies say that doing anything out of the daily routine will alter your intelligence, or your perception of intelligence.
Yep, yoyoing is just great.
i so want to go to MER.
i’m down in VA

So early this year, my parents got divorced, I moved to 2 condos with no kids around them, I got really sick for 6 months, I couldn’t go to school so I had to get homeschooled (still am), so one day I bought a Peter Fish yoyo from Walgreens but it didn’t sleep like it was supposed to. So my dad took me to Toys R’ Us and I got a Henry’s Lizard and Duncan Pulse and that night I learned Rock The Baby. Now after 8 or 9 Months I have attended MidEast Regionals (Great contest, if you are nearby, Please Attend!), Ohio States, Tennessee States and The World YoYo Contest! But yoyo’ing has made me smarter, better on the internet, made friends (Darnell Hairston, Michael Stecz, Nathan Easton, Chris Fraser, Brenden Hoy), Found some really cool sites! (YoYoExpert, YoYoSkills, YoYoFactory, BombSquad) and found my favorite hobby in the world! And next year hopefully I will be running the Plymouth, Michigan yoyo club when Jake Maloney (Duncan Crew USA, MER Cordinator, Plymouth YoYo Club Leader) can’t! YoYo’ing does wonders! I seriously have become about %30% smarter!
that is so cool tht u have been to so many contest
That’s great to hear man! Yo-yoing has done a lot of positive things for my life too. I often go to it as a form of meditation