Yeah, just don’t try to hold it.
Also you’d need a buffer or the aluminum would be silver.
What do you mean by this?
With the buffer you could hold it but without… Screech
Huh? It wouldn’t come in contact at all.
A titanium grail would be pretty cool
Maybe a Duncan Barracuda titanium would be pretty cool.
It might. Look how flimsily attached the plastic shells are.
I was enjoying my Gauntlet, and thought it would be pretty awesome (awesomer?) in Ti! Don’t know what the widest Ti is, but…
Mighty flea! Jk but it would be funny
It would end up like $250 which would be ridiculous
I’d love to see a Titanium Compass, dont know why, but it would be pretty classy :
Probably not since it’s so much smaller. The ricochet was ~200. I assume it’s because it was smaller. So I would think maybe $150 for the flea? Unless more because the small size would make some parts more difficult to make?
The Flea might be more interesting in a metal that is denser than SS.
All of them. True story, I’m going to totally necro this thread in seven, count ‘em, seven years time and no one will ever notice………… Pats self on back.
Why wasn’t this topic hotter back in 2017???
Probably closer to like, 75. The Mighty Flea doesn’t require many cuts, and could be made from a one inch rod. It would be too light though.
With a C sized bearing. Oh yes.
A FlyTanium Flea…
A Titanium Flea with mini Flight rings for Midget 4A.
Tom Kuhn RD1
Figure out a way to silicone it,
Boom, perfect looping-string trick hybrid throw
Now THAT I’d like to see!!
It takes extreme skill to throw little stuff!
That’s why I don’t spoil myself with the modern super wide designs