What yo-yo brand are you most loyal to?

Duncan, Proyo and YoYoJam back in the day, YoyoFactory and One Drop nowadays…

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Yoyoexpert is my first choice for new throws.


Yoyorecreation by far


onedrop, Static. Co, CLYW, A-RT, RSO, ILYY, mowl


One Drop baby… and this ain’t all of em either :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Pretty loyal to one drop , mowl, and yoyorecreation


Not a brand, but if Takeshi (Matsuura) drops anything new, then I’ll get it for sure~

(Also if anyone is willing to let go of their TP Isotope 2 to complete my Takeshi collection please do so, I’m willing to pay a good amount :relieved:)


Only yoyo company I would say that I’m loyal to is yoyoexpert.com. As far as yoyos go… To many great yoyos coming out to be loyal to anyone.


Seems like I’ll be the first to say ILYY, amazing throws!
Frank and Dominik are great people and are wonderful to talk with and they are quick to respond if you got questions.


Gotta be YYF, for me. Evan Nagao, and Ben McPhee were live streaming today, and it was a great vibe. Really solid, chill people. I own about 10 YYF yo-yos, and just ordered one more today. Consistently great, innovative product.


Damn, I actually forgot ILYY…def some brand loyalty there! :stuck_out_tongue:


For me, it never made sense to be loyal to any brand, especially when there are so many good throws out there. One of a brand’s yoyo may appeal to me, but their next release might turn me off, so I have never gathered a huge collection of yoyos from just one brand. I just buy yoyos that appeal to me.

But if you were to judge brand loyalty by how many yoyos of a brand I have, then it would be YYF, mostly due to me getting the YYFxYYE mystery box whenever it’s available. But I wouldn’t consider myself to be loyal to YYF. My favourite yoyos have never been YYF yoyos.


ZeroGravityReturnTops & RainCitySkills
I’m Canadian :grin: and do my best to support ANY Canadian company :grin:

But to be honest I love EVERYTHING, I wanna buy from EVERY company, my ONLY “dig” with ANY company is YYR :sweat_smile: for making their throws too expensive for me to be comfortable with buying (Yet :joy:)
I’ve been collecting since April and the most I’ve spent on a single yoyo is “The Don” by ZeroGravity and that ran 115$ CAD(don’t tell my wife) , I’m now looking at a Mowl+ that I’m tryin to work out “how to get without my wife knowing I paid that much for it”:rofl::joy::rofl:


The largest number of yo-yos I have had from the same brand has been from Saturn Precision Yo-Yos;)


I think “loyal” can mean a couple different things in this context.

Seems like a lot of people have said things like “There are too many yoyo brands to be loyal to just one or a few.” To me this implies they’re thinking of loyalty as “commitment to one brand, at the exclusion of other brands.” Like, loyalty = “I will only buy from this company.”

To me, “loyalty” just means “I like this company, I want to support them, and I’ll probably buy basically everything they make because I’m a fan of the brand.” So while I would say I’m loyal to a few specific companies, that doesn’t mean I won’t buy from others.

Anywho sorry for the rambling, just felt it’s worth making that distinction. My companies are Circle City Yoyos, Rain City Skills, Zero Gravity Return Tops, Throwing Sideways, and Guy With a Yoyo. Most of those guys are personal friends and/or I’ve made strings for them, so I’m definitely biased, but I like to support companies that are run by good people. I have a dozen Circle City Yoyos and 8 from Rain City, so those are statistically the companies I’m most loyal to.

That said, I have also recently bought throws from Duncan, YYF, Dressel Designs, Freshly Dirty… I’d argue you can be loyal to favorite companies by always supporting them without having to exclude others.


Did anyone say yoyoexpert yet? I think their customer service is top notch and I love the forum. I know it’s not really a brand but they have a lot of yye colorways and exclusives.


No loyalties here. Why do people keep referring to Yoyo Expert as a yoyo brand?


I’m definitely loyal to yoyoexpert to the point where I probably won’t buy a yoyo if it’s not in stock with yoyoexpert. I’ve purchased yoyos from four other companies before, and YYE is definitely the best. The packing and care they put into shipping really shows.

I recently bought a yoyofriends peregrine from another company since YYE was out, and I kid you not, the company forced the yoyo box into a shipping box that was very, very clearly too small for its size. Then wrapped tape around it multiple times to keep it closed. This obviously damaged the yoyo box, which was devastating since yoyofriends yoyo boxes are aesthetically pleasing, and I was wanting to display this one. Experiencing like this keep me loyal to YYE. I have never had a bad experience with YYE.


What is meant by loyalty?

If it means a preference for trying new yo-yo’s from certain manufacturers who consistently create superior designs before others; then Yoyorecreation gets my vote. Pretty much everything they make is amazing.

If it means an irrational affinity or attachment to a brand regardless of the quality of yo-yo they create; then, unlike others, I have no brand loyalties.


I’m referring to them as a yoyo company that I’m loyal to not a brand of yoyos

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