What would you do with $50 to only use on the YoYoJam tab?

Sigma Blade Zwei!

I’m trying to think which one would be better,

  1. X-convict

  2. Atmosphere

Break it down now…

X-Con… MASSIVE metal rims and angular shape…

Atmosphere… Round with flat rims

and PGM… is not YYJ!! blarg!! dont break your own rules! But it has an H-Shape…

go from there

Ah! I didin’t notice that! No evidence shall remain >.> So, the Massive metal rims and angular shape is a good thing?

If thats how you roll… I would take the Vict because I’ve never tried one and I’d like to… I cut out the PGM and Atmosphere because their both in the rounded shape club and thats not how I roll…

I see. Well then, the Vict is something I’ll definitely be considering.

Tough competition between Atmosphere and New Breed.

New Breed and a bottle of thin lube.

Atmosphere and lube.

An Atmosphere and some synergy caps.

new breed

2 bigyos.


A special edition hitman (if they exist). I love that yoyo. Maybe a dark knight.

its called a black knight

He could also be talking about a Dark Magic.

Sorry, Black knight (dunno why I call it the dark knight… probably because of that batman movie…)

New Breed and a bottle of Thin Lube.

I should be getting this in a few weeks :wink:

They used to have blue/red annodized hitmans. You could probably find it in BST’s.