What trick are you working on?

Funny you mentioned this, I was just about to make a post about it. I got back into yoyoing roughly 10 months ago, and early on I tried doing snap starts but quickly just decided it wasnt worth it. Until today. I was throwing my Duncan Mayhem and messed up a trick, and for the hell of it decided to try a snap start. The yoyo spun, and I binded it, first try. I wont delude myself though, I can probably only do it on organic yoyos, and the Mayhem is just the right size for it to be easy for me. If you weren’t already practicing on your Mayhem (I know you have one), try it. Was easy for my at least (did it twice in a row, low effort) :man_shrugging:

Im going to stop lying to myself. I really want to snap start now. Winding doesnt take that long, but snap starts are just better.


funny bone


Been working on Kamikaze…I’m only up to about midway through the trick…but I’m having a blast with it so far! This is one of the tricks 15’ish years ago that stumped the heck out of me…I couldn’t even figure out how in the heck to get into the kamikaze mount consistently.
I’m only a couple of days into practicing the mount and it’s already starting to feel natural! Feels damn cool haha.
The magic drop is what worries me…I remember having all sorts of issues getting this thing down!

I’m also continuing to work on consistently landing rewind, cold fusion and skin the gerbil. Sometimes I can nail rewind one after another…sometimes not.

I’m also really enjoying a simple combo I do…Start with the first bits of Skin The Gerbil (the 2 flip things into a double on trapeze) unwind into a trapeze + bro, then go into rewind and when you’re in the triple or nothing, kick the yo back off the string and let it pass back over both your fingers once, then swing it back into a double or nothing…then finish with cold fusion.
I’m doing a horrible job explaining…and I’m too scared to post a video of myself lol xP.

oh and I’m trying to do mcbride’s roller coaster. I’ve got it down except for the bit where I have to roll into the triple or nothing. I can’t figure out how in the heck I land on just 1 string there…I’m going to do a search on these forums here to see if anyone’s posted some tips on this.
I remember this being one of the tricks I use to have down consitant…too bad I forgot how in the heck I was able to roll into that triple!!
I’m able to do regular triple or nothings…it’s the rolling into it that’s giving me fits.


haha I’m such a doofus! I was doing this wrong, and I was thinking it was far more complicated than it actually is!
Instead of doing 2 full rolls around my fingers…I was doing 1 full roll, then a half roll around my non-throw hand then trying to land it ontop of a string. lol oops! xP
I have it figured out now…it’s super simple! I just roll twice.

I’m also now up to the magic drop in kamikaze which is cool! :smiley: it feels so fun to be working on this trick! It’s challenging for me, and yet I can see the progress I’m making in just the last few days I’ve been working on it, and it’s just a nice feeling!

And magic drop is not at all feeling impossible! I’ve only worked on it for like an hour so far tonight…and I’m making some decent progress on it already! I’m starting to get the string to reject…the problem I’m having is landing the yo on the back string though.
But the trick is brand new to me…so I’m not even worried! I remember just a week or 2 ago when I started working on the 1.5 mount how foreign that felt and how tough it was to land. But I keep on practicing and it keeps feeling more and more natural. I’ve no doubt I’ll start landing on that back string in magic drop here shortly! Complete with the string rejection!

I know this is a simple trick for a ton of you advanced yoers…but this trick is a dream of mine. It caused me SO much frustration when I was younger…this and a couple of other tricks I couldn’t figure out ended up leading me to burning out and quitting this hobby.
When I finally land a complete kamikaze…it’s going to be so amazing for me!

Sorry for the huge posts. /sigh…I should really be asleep. I have things to do in the morning too! lol


lol I learned to snap thru learning the snap start. I can do it pretty quickly, but I still throwstart -> regen because it just flows nice.

I’m trying to come up with some flowy fast tricks as well as smoothing out my horizonatals. I’ve also been playing with some neat “double on hooks” I haven’t seen anywhere else.


We need videos! :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s annoying about my snapping…is I can get the yo going super fast while I’m sitting down watching a show or something (practicing the snap)…but for whatever reason, as soon as I’m standing I can’t get the same snaps/spins. I don’t get it!
I feel like I’d have it down if I could get the spins I’m getting while I’m sitting and practicing.
Grrrr…I’ll keep at it!

…also, I’ve done my first few full magic drops now! It still feels super weird and unnatural to me though and it’s only been a few good ones out of like 10 billion or so attempts! lol


Sooooo why are tension hooks so hard tho?

Don’t get discouraged! This is one of those you’ll have to keep doing and fine tuning it. I still sometimes land on my front string or the string doesn’t reject if I get lax about how I place my hands.


You can go straight into a trapeze and his brother slack


You guys can try this one https://youtu.be/FPA3S_1BFms

Or put it between your hands and roll it off hard. Top hand forward bottom hand backwards


Thanks, I hadn’t thought of that. I’ve just been hopping up and landing back in a trapeze.

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Working on Jade Whip, increasing Iron Whip & Suicide.

After throwing for 3 months, my progression gets slow…


That’s really solid for 3 months tho! Keep at it! :+1:


I guess I’m now working on the Iwasawa Tower Laceration ._.

this is going to be fun >_<


Holy hell that looks tough! What a super fun cool looking trick once you’ve got it down though!


Good luck!!!

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trying to analyze this right now. a little help is very much appreciated.


Woo! Just got through the trick including the magic drop. Then couln’t remember what to do next! lol
I’m getting close guys! :smiley:

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Superman. I swear, this trick will be the death of me.


Continuing the grind with beefhooks. I want this consistent!


Solid! Dig the combo you’re building there