What trick are you working on?

I’ve just started hitting Zammy’s “Like A Boss”.

I’m pretty new (just about 2 months of yoyoing) but I’m loving this trick.

Neat looking trick, Greg! I think I’m going to give it ago. The very beginning is similar to the modern classic “Branding”, so you should give that one a go after or in addition to this one!

Reverse Inverse Brent Stole

Combos for promo

I just started working on learning the mach 5, and split the atom.

been working on the matrix for a couple days. not bad - it’s not that difficult since i’ve been working on dub or nothing for so long; i can do 2 - 3 cycles. last night did several full blown eli hops - it surprised me. it really came together when i brought my hands fully together on the hops. still working on boingy boing; sometimes ok sometimes tends to go kind of sideways.


My own combo, looking to add in Ghoti

Alexis JV’s A Star in Paris…

Not sure how to do the slacky thing consistently. I got it once by pure accident. :frowning: And it’s not the pinching mistake he refers to that’s messing me up. :frowning:

I’m working on making new combos

Tressley Capris

You and me both

Yeah, all three of us.

EDIT: oh… wait…

Working on a few different whips from double or nothing. Going to be making a new vid next week.

Trying, but not achieving.

I’m working on a few things more or less simultaneously:

1.5 mount in one motion instead of two
Buddha’s Revenge
Drop in the Bucket
Magic Drop

I’m working on some technical but smooth combos. Trying to go Zach Gormley.

I need a break from Magic Drop: I can hit it a few times in a row, then miss it for 5 minutes straight. Time to switch it up for a while… moving on to Rewind as a precursor to Candy Rain

Gahh magic drop is killing me too right now. I’ve got kamikaze down solid up to where you do the drop. I know it’ll feel great when I finish the trick.

Working on my revolutions in the interim.

Trying to get Hook 2.5 and Hook 3.0 more consistent

Circular Eli Hops