What trick are you working on?

LEARN IT! It’s so fun!

If you looks somewhere over there
then you can see that it’s my new favorite trick!

And ok I’ll give Superman a try tomorrow.

Texas cowboy i need some flashy tricks for a variety show that the Kids at my school are peer pressuring me into for me to do. Yay!

Combo inspired by the Armani VG

I am working on a trick that I’ve called rubber duck and I’m trying to add more to it

I’m working on the plastic whip. I just started yoyoing like a week ago.

Wow thats really good if you’ve only been yoyoing for a week. It took me atleat a month before I got to plastic whip

Thanks but I just can’t get it down.

Yea it takes some practice but you’ll get it eventually.

Definitely keep at it. Those whips can feel pretty impossible, but then one day you just start hitting the trick! Just takes practice.


Slacky Mach mount thingy

GregP! What a coincidence! A Superman tutorial just came out on Yotricks!!

Cool! I’ll have to see how their teaching of it ties in with the way I think of it and perform it.

As for “working on”… Yuuki Slack. I’ve “landed it” already, but the smoothness is highly lacking right now.

I’m trying to learn kwijibo the right way. Right now I just kind of pop it and try to land it on the slack, I want to learn how to do it without leaving slack (so that I can do it both responsive and unresponsive and hit it more consistently)


With Kwyjibo, you shouldn’t think of it as “landing” on the string at all. You chop with your forefinger and force it to pivot around and down on the string.

The trick will look cleaner as a result, too.

Horizontal palm grinds so far so good but still very very rough.

Right, I understand that in theory. Just need to get the non-throwhand movement down. It’s almost like an Eli hop, don’t want to have slack in the string. (Can’t do Eli hops either)

Thanks for the pointer, though.


Slack Trapeze. I am finding it difficult but I will get it, eventually.

I still can’t do that haha.

I’m working on Kwijibo too. Trying to get a feel for the second pop into double or nothing.

This was meant really to show that I do my Kwyjibo over my wrist; but it still serves as a good top-down view if it helps:

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