What trick are you working on?


Looking for a third competitor? I wouldn’t mind racing to learn ladder escape.

No you’re not allowed.

Haha just kidding. Of course you can join!

Cool. :wink:

working on Rancid Milk…bout halfway through it

Ladder escape is such a fun trick! I’m progressing nicely. It is just the right bit of challenge that it is hard, but not frustrating (yet.). Been working on it for about an hour. So fun!

Btw Yooldman- Do you know the rules to the challenge?

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“Glory of course. Glory”

That’s all you really need in life. :wink: (I lol’d)


Haha GregP said that, not me. I was just quoting him.

Well then, thank you GregP. =)

I’m going to blame my mothers’ day busyness for the fact that I’m not participating. But really I’m just terrible at yoyos. :wink:


Ima gonna doa crazeh trickeh, calldeh Funkeh Girrafeh

*cough cough

Em, Hi GregP and Yooldman

Indeed you did! Congrats. :slight_smile:

Black hops

I killed (knotted) so many strings while learning it haha.

Very nice!


Wow, that was quick :).  Nice.

New combo w/ slack elements.

Superman! Almost got it down! ;D

Hey Greg (or YoNacho) how hard do you think superman is compared to Ladder Escape? I was thinking of trying it.

After you won so handily and quickly, I haven’t really tried learning Ladder Escape yet. But even then, it’d be a hard comparison to make… I learned Superman when it was beyond my skill set-- it was a trick that pushed me forward. As such, it took a couple days of REALLY studying about 3 different videos (and getting what I could out of each-- the Vasek one was the most useful BTW) before I really understood what to do.

As it turns out, there are a few ways to do the trick, but the way Vasek does it is also the way Jason Lee himself does it (more or less… Vasek does the Magic drop over 2 fingers, Lee uses his whole hand) and therefore I felt in good company when I learned it that way. :wink:

Since you’re already at “Ladder Escape” skill level, you might find Superman pretty easy, requiring less than the few days I spent intensely studying it!

Trick I’m working on… Ladder Escape! Sort of. I don’t love the look of the trick, and since Corey already smoked me at the challenge I’m feeling demotivated. Haha!